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Rise flew across Equestria at an incredible speed. Eventually he started to feel cold weather and see snow, meaning he was pretty far north. "Almost....there....." he thought, speading his wings to try and control his flight.

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((Well, I think you're still imprisoned by the changelings. Arrow, Shadow and Dawnbreaker (my other OC that I just brought in) are trying to get help from Princess Cadence and the Crystal Empire, only to have a changeling attack occur there also. Meanwhile, Rise was recovering in the hospital but was just shot out of Pinkie's party cannon and is currently flying incredibly fast towards the Crystal Empire to help. That's about it))

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(Alright, thanks. Gonna see if I can do Chryssi in addition to Gears.)

His eyes open for the first time in

How long has it been? Hours? Days? Weeks?

and is staring Queen Chrysalis herself in the face.

"Well, did you have a nice nap?" The changeling queen inquires.

Without thinking, he answers. "I was not asleep, my perceptive functions simply failed to work, save for my sight."

"Whatever you want to call it. Tell me, what was such an oddity doing in the boring old town of Ponyville?"

"I may be foreign, but I have still heard the tales of this land in addition to those of many other countries." He stops and moves his legs, a strange feeling after not moving for so long. "Why have you taken me here?"

He examines the eggs and other insect-like creations.

"That I do not know. You would have to ask the ones that brought you here."

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((Yeah, this thread would get epically nuked by the mods if we tried this on WoE :P))

Dawnbreaker sends lightning magic out of his horn into a changeling. He lookes up into the sky and sees something approaching quickly. "What is Equestria is that?"

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(Shh! The mods are always listening!)

"I will politely ask for my things and then I shall be off."

"I'm afraid you're with us to stay. A wonderful trophy you will make."

"it doesn't matter if you are a powerful queen, I could still tear you apart."

She laughs.

"I'm afraid you do not fully understand your predicament."

In a split second, he has pounced for a stranglehold, but is stopped by a barrier of magic.

"You are trapped in a cage powered by the magic of all of my subjects."

Really and truly trapped? Not even in the war prisons could they keep trapped. But this is... something else...

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Rise fell from the sky and landed in a group of changelings, creating a massive crater. He got up unharmed because the group of changelings broke his fall. "Ugh....that party cannon is powerful." he said, standing up.

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"It's going to take more than this to get rid of them. I've lived here a long time, and I know that there's only one way to repel an invasion like this." Rise said, looking over at Dawnbreaker. "Long time no see, Dawn. How's your magic feeling?"

"Great, as always. What are you thinking?"

"We need to get back inside the palace."

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"Come on, Dawn. We don't have much time." Rise said.

Dawnbreaker's horn lit up and the unicorn and pegasus teleported. They both ended up on the top floor of the Crystal Palace. There they saw the leaders of the Crystal Empire's forces frantically running around trying to figure out ways to repel the changelings. Among them was a white unicorn stallion wearing a suit of purple armor. Dawnbreaker and Rise approached him and bowed. "Greetings, Prince Shining Armor."

"At ease, Rise. What are you two doing here?" Shining Armor replied.

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