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Desperation filled his crystal core. He was utterly and truly at her mercy, ready to be dismantled or controlled or copied or whatever else that was done to mentally or physically destroy him. The only lights came from dimly lit torches wrapped in changeling webbing. Old shells of changelings were strewn about, usually in pieces but occasionally there were entire husks, ghost-white, like the horrors out of an old film come to life. Unmoving, yet still haunting life. It had been so long since he had last felt fear, and it ranked on one of the worst and most crippling feelings he could think of. There was nothing in what he now saw to be a cell with a barrier for a door that he could use to get out. Chrysalis saw his frantic movements and laughed.

"Oh, don't worry. You're just a little trophy. Or a pet. It all depends on whether you are compliant."

His internal pistons were pumping with a random fury amidst all of the fear. It was like a beating heart, speeding up with his realizations of no way of escaping.

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They walked back down the stairs into the main room of the Crystal Palace. "Shining Armor!" Cadence shouted happily, hugging him. "I'm so glad you're alright, you saved us all!"

"I didn't do it alone" Shining Armor replied, pointed to the group.

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This... this isn't happening... I can't have been caught so easily... or put somewhere I can't escape... I'm Gears!

His robotic fingers run nervously through his tail and his eyes jerkily dart around the room over and over again.

I'm not trapped... I can't be...

He stops and sits motionless for ten minutes. Just as the queen begins to get bored with her new toy, he slams against the barrier, again and again, not slowing, not making noise other than the metal scraping sound like a fork running over ceramic plates. This goes on for some time, for what seemed like hours, until he stops and drops his flank on the floor, his mane covering his face, once more motionless. Chrysalis is delighted with it, and claps, demanding an encore, knowing she won't get one but doing it just for the sport.

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Rise and Cadence has a brief moment to catch up with each other, then he finally came with the group outside the Crystal Palace. "I've arranged a safe passage back to Ponyville for you all." Cadence said. "Thank you all so much again for helping us."

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In his silence, he could think of nothing to do to get out. Even though his crystal mind was sharp and intuitive, he was still uncertain of what to do. He looks back towards the wall behind him.

Can't break through that, too thick, if I try and pick at over time it they will notice... not to mention it will take far too long...

Back at the place where the changelings that nabbed him, the drag marks were still deep and undisturbed, save the occasional wild animal footprint running over it. It went on for miles, the changelings, although not very strong, were fast and made quick work of it.

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Shadow stares,"Be calm my friend..."

Angel sighs,"This again..."

Shadow looks at Angel then at Arrow as he gets in the train with Angel,"Be calm...Having an unclear mind leads to mistakes..."

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