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"I know how you feel. Something has been off to me as well, but I don't know what it is. Anyway, I think we'll be able to find Gears before he is harmed."

Meanwhile, far away from the group, Dawnbreaker had teleported just a few miles from the front gates of Canterlot. He groaned at having to walk and proceeded to approach the front gate. He then stopped after hearing some rustling in a nearby bush. "Who goes there?!?" he shouts as he begins to charge up a spell. He walks over to the bush to investigate, only to find that there were no changelings nearby. Suddenly, a mysterious dark cloud emerged from the bushes and grabbed him, pulling him into a small section of woods.

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Angel came back with a serious look,"He was the captin if the roaly guard...until he betrayed everyone..."

Shadow stared down...

Angel takes out a paper,"He was my hero since I was small...He always tell me stories...but now...after what he did..."

Shadow looked up,"After he was sent to the prison...Thats when Shining Amor first became Captin..."

Angel sits,"...."

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Angel walked, he lead the way to the prision, "We would like to visit Genesis...."

The guard sivered, he nods and leads them into the prison building...The guard leads them to a room, sitting on chair was Genesis...

Genesis is a white stallion, with dark purple eyes, his mane the same with a slight red...He rasied his head,"Hello...." he said coldly

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