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He stands up screaming. It felt as though his skin was on fire, if it were skin and not metal. He looked at his body, and patches of rust were splattered over his body in several places. He hears laughing that sounds like changelings, but ignores it, and instead, begins to chip the affected outer casing off with his fingers, a pain resembling cutting and stabbing, the removal of it revealing pistons and gears working heavily on the outside of the inner casing protecting his crystal cores.

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Dawnbreaker was confused. "What are you talking about? Nobody abandoned me!"

"Is that why you were sent to the Crystal Empire alone? Or why you returned to Canterlot alone?" the voice said.

"This is important business, being alone or not doesnt matter!"

"Still, you were sent into danger alone. You could have been killed."

"How is a baby dragon going to send messages?" Rise asked.

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He stands looking at the back wall of his cell when he hears hoofsteps behind him and a shock noise. His eyes clamp shut and his body goes stiff. All he hears is dragging, until finally, his eyes open and his body goes limp again. He is in an arena. In the stands, many important figures of the hive, captains and such, sit, and on the other end, Chrysalis is there on a throne. All around, the walls are just thick, unbreakable cage walls, except for the rear where he was brought in and the end opposite to his, which were just stone. The cages are filled with hundreds of changelings stumbling over each other to get a view, for it is very rare for a mere grunt to see it. The crowds cheer until the queen silences them.

"Let the games begin!"

Large stone doors open on the other end, and roars are heard. A manticore leaps out, roaring, spear cuts on his rear, and Gears instantly knows what is going on. He begins to strafe around the cage, his belly low to the ground, ready to strike. The manticore sees him and slams into him, crushing him against the cage wall, where deafening cheers erupt from the changeling lessers. Cracks spider-web up his left eye, threatening to shatter at any moment. The orange glow flickers, buzzes, and then it returns to normal. Holding in screams of pain, for that is one of the many places the crystals serve as nerves, he slips under the creature and rolls over to the other side of the arena. The manticore, in a frenzy, pounces again, but he rolls out of the way in time to jump on his back and digs his fingers into the skin and draw blood, causing the beast to rear up and fling him off with patches of flesh in his hooves. The beast swings its paws, scraping into his skin, making sparks but not harming him. He grabs on to one of the claws, yanks it from the paw, and charges the animal as it howls in pain, jamming it into its throat, causing it to fall to the ground and slowly bleed to death. The crowd cheers and everything goes black again.

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Angel sighs,"Lets just go..."

Genesis looks out,"So this is the changelings world...." chuckles and takes out a sword," Let Discord's insaniry...be my power..." his horn glows red...

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the train pony yells all abord.

Angel looks at the prison,"Genesis..." he sits inside the train.

Shadow follows...

Genesis spits, around him were more Changelings, "I will show you true...insainty!"

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"Face it Dawnbreaker, you were abandoned. The Princess, the Canterlot Mages, everyone you know is using you. You are a tool and nothing more. Your life is meaningless to them." The voice said, taunting him.

"I don't know, it does seem that way sometimes...." Dawnbreaker replied meekly.

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"You're not loved, Dawnbreaker. You're a tool to everypony around you and nothing more. But I could change that...." the voice said to Dawnbreaker.

"What are you talking about?" Dawnbreaker asked.

"I can give you the power to cover this whole land in darkness. You will rule Equestria if you just accept my gift."

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(i been very busy thanksgiving and all and guys its going to be Season 4 soon :D XD)

Angel walked to a tree house, the knocked, Rainbow dash opened the door,"Oh You guys are back!"

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Some time passes before the earlier process is repeated. Blackness. Dragging. Cheering. Arena. New changelings are behind the cage walls, but in the stands, the same ones perch on the same seats. This time he is left to wait. Wait for hours, anticipation building inside, knowing that another scar was about to mark his time here. The hole in his outer casing had never been patched, the cracks in his eye never fixed. Blood stained his mane and tail from the last fight. The doors at the opposite end open again. The same words from Chrysalis' mouth. A large, hexed, serpent-like creature emerged, about as big as the manticore. The scales were orange, the face looked like a snake. It had no arms, legs, nothing but a head and a tail. Seemed simple enough. Gears lurched forward, but so did the serpent, crushing his front right light in the jaw, making huge dents and punctures in the frame. He jams his free hoof into the serpent's eye, causing it to begin flailing and slinging him about. His hoof breaks up into fingers and begins to smash and scrape into the the roof of the creature's mouth. It began to feel something was wrong and tried to leg go, but Gears had all three of his free legs wrapped around the jaw, forcing it to stay closed. He scraped and smashed as he was flailed into the ground and wall, denting and scratching his metal. He laughed as he finally reached bone... and broke through. His fingers wrapped around the reptile's puny brain and crushed it, savoring every bit. He was somewhat shocked to find himself enjoying it. The creature fell dead and he yanked the serpent's jaw off, bathing in the blood, then it all went black once more.

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