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He stands over his latest gladiatorial kill. A small, young dragon, one that was barely small enough to fit through the door. He had been able to tear through the scales on his stomach, pull apart the flesh, and tear him up from the inside. Blood stained his mane and tail. His right hind leg is crushed and bent, but he could still stand and could barely run. More scratches and dents cover his metal shell. He didn't even care. The glory was great, especially from his latest slaying, and he loved it. He loved the changelings, he loved the queen, he loved the arena, and he loved to kill. He could barely contain himself with anticipation for his next fight.

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Angel stares,"Dont you know who Drago is...he is one of the biggest and most dangerous criminal leaders in Equestria...and he is acting like a kid"

Shadow stares,"Your right..."

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"These guys are weird" Rise thought to himself as he followed the others.

The smoke had filled the room and Dawnbreaker was completely consumed in it. He felt his emotions stirring around and he suddenly felt extremely angry. The anger was giving him power.

"Good......" The voice said in his ear.

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He entered the arena, this time not needing an escort because he had fallen in love with the glory. His next opponents seemed easy enough at first. Eleven timberwolves, with a pack leader of much greater size than the rest. Dispatching the first five with ease, the next three were much faster and far more agile. He managed to grab one by the neck and break it in half. Trying to hit the next two, he swung his hoof at one but the other came behind him and dragged him by the tail, after a few seconds cutting the fur about half as long with its sharp teeth. Without thinking, he grabbed the head of the first out of those three and launched it at the one that bit his tail, snapping one of the wooden legs like mere kindling twigs. He quickly sprung onto the creature, bashed it's head in, and turned to the last. Without his pack members, he went down easily. Two out of the final three were surprisingly simple to kill, but the back leader was incredibly strong. The monster stuck its face into the hole in his casing and he screamed in agony as the beast scraped at his inner workings. He wrapped his two hind legs around the neck, wincing at the pain from the damaged one. He puts his front hooves around the creature's skull and pushed inward, slowly crushing its head, all the while it making the loudest, most pained noises an animal could make for what seemed like hours but was only a few seconds and he finally turned the head into wooden splinters.

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