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Dawnbreaker's emotions ran wild as the dark mist in the room consumed him. Finally it subsided and he stood on his hooves, his body now larger and covered in a dark blue armor. His fur was now jet black.

"Now we are one. Go forth and take revenge on this world....Nightmare Dawn." The voice said in his head.

"I'll be glad when we get Gears out and the changeling threat is over" Rise said.

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Drago smiles,"Dont worry! Treeus is one the world's most deadliest and sneaky assassins. He is also a leader and teacher of his own clan...now lets save gears!!"

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He is in the arena. The snake-like beast was just a fledgling. The real challenge was it as an adult. This new adult one had two heads, a stinger on the end of the tail resembling that of a scorpion with scales, and two large, scaled, beefy arms, with sharp claws at the end of each finger. He smiles. This would be a fun fight, especially with his injuries that were never repaired. The beast opened a mouth, spraying fire towards him but he leaps out of the way. Running towards it, his crippled leg causing him much pain, he rolls, the belly of the beast a few feet from him, but in no way weak. He tried to dig his hooves into it, but he may as well have been doing it to its back. The creature bent down and grabbed him with great speed, throwing him across the cage. His cracked eye went dark and he felt fluid leaking from it. Wiping some of the orange liquid off his face, he charges in for another attack.

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Drago smiles,"Lets do this!!!" take out a a werid weapon,"By the power of dubstep! Im a taking you down! " he shoots, the changelings start dancing to the dubstep sound waves.

Angel stares,"Uh....what the?"

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"I guess he just knows what he's doing." Arrow says to Angel with a chuckle.

The pony takes the cupcake with a smile,"I'm actually on a business trip here,but I used to live in Ponyville when I was younger.I'm a historian and I was requested to come here for a couple artifacts to see on behalf of my partner,he was suppose to come but he had urgent matters and didn't want to just not show up to the observing,so he sent me instead.My name is Charles,Charles Gene to be exact." he says to the young Reverb.

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"Whatever gets us through the changelings works for me." Rise said, looking around to see if more changelings were approaching.

Unknown to the others, a large, dark pony entered the throne room of the changeling hive. He approached Queen Chrysalis, ignoring her royal guards. "The automaton is your first target, he takes pride in being the changelings gladiator puppet. Destroy his pride" the nightmare voice said inside of Dawn's head.

"I will speak with your queen!" Nightmare Dawn demanded.

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Treeus;(unaware of him, he was listening in on the event...he stares at the dark figure)...

Drago:...hmm(looks around)...lets makes things spark!

Angel:...(rises an eyebrow)....what do you mean by that?

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He smiles sadistically as he slams into the beast, knocking it back. The smile is still there when it quickly recovers and picks him up by the neck. He wraps his fingers around one of the claws and tries to yank it out, but it is much stronger than the claws of the manticore. The creature begins to drive it's fist into his chest, denting the metal and causing him intense pain His body goes limp and the creature drops him, but, it being a ploy, he sprints away quick as a flash, recovering from the hits.

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Drago:...blow stuff up!!! (takes out a spray)...made it my self!...Just put it on a surface and boom, but its silent...


Drago: to the castle!!!

Genesis:...(he was thrown into sky, somehow he lands in the coliseum where gears is at)...ow...(he stands up)...where am i?

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