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Drago:...(runs towards arrow and jumps high to tackle him)....listen... he changed...but we can help him...but you have to keep your distance...(his face no longer the goof Drago, but the eyes of a serious leader)...now...lets think this though...

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"Think what through!?The plan is still the same,get Gears and get out of here!You can go on about how he's "changed when we're leaving this place in the dust!" Arrow angrily states,then squirms out of the hold and flies back to him,"He's all right!You all just need to get your heads out of the gutters and see for yourself!"

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(Sorry I was gone for so long)

Chrysalis turns back to Dawn.

"You will not speak like that about my people!"

Gears grits his teeth.

They want to take the fame. They want to destroy what I've worked hard to get, what is rightfully MINE! They came for me just to take it away!

The snake beast rises behind them, huge mouths snapping and hissing.

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Drago:....(smiles) ill show you Angel...why im feared...Learned It!!!(he steps up a pile of rocks and takes out a button)...okay!!!

Genesis:....i dont like this plan....

Angel:...me neither

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She flaps her wings at an incredible speed, making her slam into him, stabbing him with her horn.

"You will pay for your lack of respect!"

Running out towards Drago, he tackles him, his fingers wrapped around his throat.

"You won't take my glory from me!"

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Dawn's body turned into a shadowy form, causing Chrysalis' horn to simply pass through it. When she removed it, his shadow form regenerated into his normal self. "Foolish little filly, you know not what powers I possess". Dawn pointed his horn at Chrysalis and blasted beams of a sparkling, navy colored, shadowy energy at her. His eyes began to glow with the same energy.

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Drago:...ooo...you made a bo bo...(smiles, suddenly he was slammed with great force away from Drago...Drago dust himself)

Genesis:...we are H.A.C

Treeus:...we always have each others back

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Quickly, she recovers, on her hooves and firing a blast of her own, this one lime green. Her voice can be heard above it as she strains to keep his blast at bay.

"You will... not succeed you... swine!"

Gears yells an angry, primal yell at them and the are all thrown about by the swinging tail of the snake-beast.

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Genesis:...(jumps in the air and dives towards Gears) time to get you some rest!(he grabs her put mysterious ted magic on her hooves to bind her)...Gears...im going to try something..(puts his hoof on her head)...

Drago:...ow...(stands up)...absorb the insanity Genesis!!!

Treeus;...ah...ill distract the beast!

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"You won't...stand in my way.....insect!" he said, slowly walking forward while still holding off Chrysalis' beam with his own. "When I crush you all like the bugs you are, I will shroud this land in darkness!"

"Snap out of it, Gears!" Rise was frantically yelling at him.

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"I don't care... about that, I won't... have you... killing my fighters!"

She clenches her teeth, slowly sending her blast further up.

He bites at him, trying desperately to keep him off. The orange fluid sprays from his broken eye like blood from an artery.

"I won't let you steal my fame!"

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(sorry i was confused :P the past post of the others confused me, just forget it)

Genesis:...come on....ah...fight the madness you block head!!!

Drago:...ow...ah...sometimes i wish i was a unicorn...


Angel: Ill help too!

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