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"Do you recall the legends? Do you remember why Princess Luna was locked away for 1000 years?" he said, a sinister smile coming over him. "I am the spawn of Nightmare Moon. I was once a unicorn named Dawnbreaker. His body is my tool now. The shadows command me to kill. The more I kill, the closer I come to my goal." he charges up his horn again. "And this time, nobody will stop me. The sun will never rise again."

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Drago:...hmm...Ill fix Gears up...Genesis...


Drago:...Dont hold back...unleash everything!!

Genesis:...alright(he close his eyes...his horn glows black, red, purple, and green, he opens his eyes...the same color)

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His glowing eyes begin pulsating and he freezes for a moment, as if his soul was momentarily out of his body. "Stop negotiating with this maggot. Kill the automaton and the intruders, and your power will grow" Dawn said, only it wasn't Dawn's voice, but a demonic voice that erupted out of his mouth. He then recovers and stares at the ground. "Yes master." Dawn said in his normal voice in response. "The voices tell me to kill it, and I intend to." he said glaring back at Chrysalis.

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"Why are you doing what it says?! If it needs you to do it, then you are more powerful than it is!"

She grows frantic but hides it.

The snake beast bites down on Genesis' flank, raising him into the air.

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"I am its vessel, it controls my mind, but at the end of the day we are one." Dawn said, the demon voice occasionally becoming noticable.

Rise flies high in the air and quickly descends towards the beast, his spear in one hand and a changeling spear in the other. He thrust both into the head of the beast, wounding it but nowhere near a killing blow due to the beast's thick skin.

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Genesis:...ow...(shoots beam of magic, it went through the beast))....ah...(collapses)...ah...that took a lot...

Drago:...whoa...thats a big hole you made...(starts treating Gears)...come bro!...Gears is it?...Come on...wake up...

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The beast screeches loudly, flailing about.

Chrysalis, afraid for the first time, although hiding it well, snaps back.

"If you let it in, you can force it out!"

Gears buzzes from the inside, and the flowing of the orange fluid begins to slow into a drip.

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Genesis:...just one more hit...should do it..(charges up his horn)

Drago:(slaps Gears) wake(slaps) up(slaps) you(slaps) bucket head! (slaps)

Angel: Stop slapping him!!!(flys above the beadt)

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Drago:...oh...ha ha ha...i forgot he was a robot thing

Angel:..(sigjs )

Drago: alright(suddenly has tools)...lets fix you up!ah!...heres the problem...losing sone stuff eh...we will fix that!(has orange liquid)...there ya go buddy! and fix that drip now!

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"Why would I want to do that? When my task is complete I will have the power to bring everlasting night!" Dawn said with a huge, evil smile on his face. The demon voice mixing with his own even more.

"Fine. Be careful." Rise said, flying down to the others trying to revive gears. "Oh my Celestia, what happened to him?" he said shocked.

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