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Genesis:...oh please...dont go on a speech on how "I cant be beaten" or "its too lafe"...you know how much its used...bro..or whatever you are ... i promise you...your going to lose...im going to free dawn...even tough i dont know who he is...


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He looks at his old core, its color distilled and its outside burnt.

"You... destroyed my... core... what's wrong with you?! Where am... I?!"

His fingers ran over the crystal. Taking a step away, he grunted in pain from his crippled leg.

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Drago:...i have no idea...but i put a temporary crystal inside you...

Genesis:...(his horn charges, the insanity magic glowing)...alright...(gets in a fighting stance)...lets dance...

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Dawn pointed his horn straight up fired a black beam of magic into the air. The magic stopped in mid air and began to spin into a cloud. The cloud began to rain down bolts of lightning that headed towards Genesis.

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Treeus:...or watch your back...(he was behind Dawn holding him) now!!!

Genesis:...thats why you have friends!(teleports and face Dawn)...now...free him!!!(begins his spell)ah!

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Dawn pried his way out of Treeus' grip and grabbed his hooves and threw him over his head away from him. He then kicked Genesis in the horn to disrupt the spell he was about to cast. "Lovely, now I can kill two ponies with one stone!" he said, looking over Treeus and Genesis.

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Treeus:...(smiles)...is that right...(looks up) in my days...the mind...is easy to trick...(he shimmers)...

Genesis:...now!!!(shoots spell)

Treeus:(throws trip ball wires)

Genesis: (stands up and runs toward him)

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The wires trip Dawn as he tries to dodge the spell, causeing him to fall to the ground as the spell struck him. He grunted as he lay on the ground for a few seconds. Finally, he used his strong hooves to break the wires and stood up. "A....bold effort" he said, catching his breath. "But I'm afraid I won't die so easily. This isn't over." He began to prepare a teleportation spell. "There's only one way to defeat the Nightmare, and you should know what that is by now. If you want any hope of defeating me and saving Dawnbreaker, I suggest you find it before I do". With those words, Nightmare Dawn teleported out of the castle.

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