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He looks at them and his head throbs.

"There was an arena... and fighting... and I was excellent, and... awarded with glory... and now this..."

He examines the arena and the beast and the fighting and his confused expression turns to one of anger.

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"I was constructed to... primarily be a fighter. I crave... battle. I lust for it, and... whatever happens to come with it. I will not... justify myself to you further, as it... is obvious you cannot understand how it is being... a war machine. Nopony does."

He turns and limps off in search of his things, in desperate need of repairs.

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He turns for a final time.

"Sure. I... disgust you. I'm supposed to... fight against everything... that I was created for. Just... another pony that just sees me... as a beast. I guess that's... what I am. Doesn't... matter whether I want to be or... not. I get... dragged into things, and then... what am I supposed... to do? Lay... down and die?"

With that, he disappears into the halls of the changeling fortress, wandering to find what he needs to stay alive.

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"What's my problem? Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's just that MY BEST FRIEND IS POSSESSED BY NIGHTMARE MOON!" Rise yelled. "Forget Gears, let him rot down here. The changeling threat is over, that's all that matters. I have to talk to Twilight and get the Elements of Harmony together or else Equestria is totally screwed. AGAIN!" He was shaking from anger.

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He scrambled down the hallway, his vision blurring and returning every few minutes. He turned into a room with a dead changeling that had gotten into Gears' things and drank out of his flask, one that was filled with chemicals used to keep him intact. After shoving the corpse out of his way and setting the broken core down, he took an old book from his saddlebags that were on a wooden table and began reciting tomes, each word making the core flash.

I can stop whatever it is that's going on. I can kill anything. It's what I was built and trained and tweaked for for so many years. But why should I? It's not like they even deserve it. Come to help me and then get mad because I'm doing what I was built to.

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Drago:..(puts a an arm on Rise's shoulder)....Hey buddy...we need to chill...ill think of something...alright...cause in my gang...we are brothers...I considered you guys as well...And Gears too...Thats why I will continue you to help ya(smiles)

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Drago:...as i say...flow with the wind!...Find the weakness and strengths of the enemy !...as for Gears...if he feels...then he will soon realize...he reminds me of Genesis...for he use to be the same way...

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"Well, I don't know how much we can help Gears right now, but if we don't stop Nightmare Dawn it won't matter." Rise said, picking up his gear and sheathing his spear. "I'm going to Ponyville. I have to find Twilight Sparkle and get the Elements of Harmony together."

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He replaces the crystal by burning off reserve energy, letting out a relieved sigh as the throbbing stops and his vision returns to normal. Slumping back in the chair of the deceased changeling, the thought in silence.

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