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Rise folded his wings in and squeezed through the opening. He crawled several feet before he finally popped out on the other side and landed on the ground. He was back outside the changeling lair and in the Everfree Forest. He took a breath of fresh air and returned to the opening. "C'mon, guys!" He called in.

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Treeus:..(pops out an pushes Rise out of the way) Get down!

Drago:boom!!!(an explosion made the whole bigger then needed) alright!

Genesis: can you go a day without blowing something up...(walks)


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Gears popped on his saddlebags and cloak and began looking for an exit. He was tired of this place, and wanted somepony to help him with repairs, even if he said he didn't need anypony. As he walked, he looked at the deceased.

"Toy soldiers. Pretending to be real. Disgusting."

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Drago:..whats wrong...

Genesis:...(looks up)...Reverb...thats who she is....

Drago:...alright....you crazy...come everypony! welcome to the Brotherhoof fortress!

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"And we've been proven to be even more insane then before!" Arrow says laughing as he keeps his pace with the group.

Charles looked at the two mares with confusion,"Oh,alright then.It's nice to meet you miss.I am Charles Gene,and you are?" he asks the hooded mare with a hoof extended out for a shake.

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Chrysalis sees a stallion in the dark approaching. She lights her horn and sees it to be Gears. The several hundred remaining changelings are behind her.

"Why are you still here?"

Gears was stone-faced.

"I am where I chose to be. For the time being, I chose to be here. If you will not have me, I don't care. If you try to stop me, I will kill you."

A changeling rushed towards him at the threat and Gears quickly and quietly recited a tome. The changeling burst into flame.

"Do not harm the swarm, peon!"

"Then pull back on the leash."

She stood there for a moment, then they all began walking and flying past him.

"Where are you going?"

"Finding a new hive."

And with that, they disappeared, to where, nobody knows. But they would in due time.

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Dawn paced the ruined castle. He found himself in the old library the two royal sisters had kept in it. He levitated a book over to himself. The cover read "Strange Beings of Equestria". The time to strike was not yet upon him, so he sat and read the book curiously, hopeful that he could find something useful that had been on his mind.

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Dawn reached a page titled "The Nightmare". He proceeded to read through it, and amazing discovered some things he didn't even realize about himself. When the voice in his head was telling him to kill, it was doing so because killing gives the Nightmare strength. Since Gears was an automaton and not a pony, killing him would give him double the power. Once he had killed enough and created enough power, he would be strong enough to bring the everlasting night.

"Now you understand, Dawn." the voice said in his head. "Blood will lower the sun forever."

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