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"I must kill......to gain strength."

"Yes, Dawn. It matters not who it is, just kill." Dawnbreaker sat and listened to the voice inside his head. He hovered the book in front of his face, glaring blankly at the words in front of him. Finally, he slammed the book shut and stood up. "Let the hunt begin." he said demonicly to himself.

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(Drago walks through the fortress)

Drago:...we notice the high levels of insanity...thanks to Genesis....so we took action thats when i received your letter...

Treeus:...we are hoping to contain then destroy the madness...but...

Drago:...it seems somepony is producing it...i have a guess who it is...but its not accurate

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Nightmare Dawn approached the highest balcony of the castle. He fired a dark spell that could be seen from many miles away into the sky, lighting it up brightly. Dark clouds formed above him, and lightning rained down on him. He smiled as the process continued.

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Dawn could hear the pony who had approached him, for the spell was still occuring. After a few more minutes of the lightning striking him, he landed and looked as his back. The spell was complete, and Nightmare Dawn was no longer just a unicorn. He spread his brand new jet black wings.

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Drago:...is it dawn...

Treeus:...i dont know...

Angel:...lets get moving...

Drago: alright!!! Everypony get ready ASCP go go! (walks)

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Drago:alright! thats the spirt! Nurse!

Nurse:..(nods and walks to Arrow, begins to treat him quick)...alright just be careful alright

Drago: do the call!

Stallions & Mares: Are we ready! Are we ready! War Hawk!!!

Drago: yeah!(they continue to sing that)....My brothers and sisters are ready...

Treeus:...shall we?(looks at Angel, Arrow and Rise)

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"Wait guys...." Rise said to the group. "You guys go, hold him off as long as you can. I'm going to find the Elements of Harmony. We need them."

"Who are you?" Dawn said to the white pony, folding his new wings.

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An old unicorn approached Gears from behind, his cracked glasses shaking with each step. He walked with a short. brown, wooden cane to support his aged bones. Without turning around, Gears immediately recognized the shuffling.

"Don't think I haven't forgiven you."

The voice was old and hoarse.

"Is that any way to treat an old friend?"

"I can kill you, 'friend', I have tomes and I have strength."

"But do you have the will?"

He still didn't turn, and stood silent.

"It looks as if you've been through quite a lot."

"Shouldn't you know, 'wise and powerful' old unicorn?"

"I know a lot but I don't know it all! For instance, I didn't know that you fought a manticore recently."

"How did you not know if you were able to say it happened?"

"I guessed, lad!"

He laughed, coughed, then grew serious.

"But what I do know is that a great evil has arisen that affects Equestria-"

"Why should I care about Equestria? The people here only worry about their nation, nothing else. They are selfish, and what they can't understand they call evil."

"Equestria, Coltugal, Minotauria, the whole world."


There is a moment of silence.

"Why can't you do it yourself if you care so much?"

"My time for these things has long passed."

"Why should I care anyways?"

"Because Jolt would've, and I know you still care about his wishes!"

"How dare you have the nerve to speak of Jolt!"

His shout fills the halls. Blizzard sighs.

"Maybe you'll change your mind if I fix you up a bit."

"Don't touch me."

"We both know that very few people have ever been able to understand mechanics and magics like the ones in you, and most of them are dead now."

There is another long moment of silence.


"Thank you, Gears. You know I love you like family."

"I'd prefer to keep you out of my family, just fix me up and I'll consider killing whatever it is that needs to be killed."

For a while, their time is occupied by repairs and a small amount of bickering.

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"I'll be fine. I'm just going to Ponyville and it's well protected. Nothing's going to happen to me." Rise said.

"Well, if I destroyed the world, that would cut short my reign, now wouldn't it?" Dawn said, a small grin coming to his face.

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The repairs done, Gears looks like he did before, with a few scratches and a dent or two that they never ended up fixing.

"The thing you will be fighting will be powerful. Do not hesitate to use every resource available, and make sure it is used good."

"Nopony said I would be fighting anything."

The stallion frowns.

"You need to do this. The Iberneighans may as well have won if you just give up like that."

"I can't give up when I haven't even started trying!"

"You started trying when you refused to die in the arena!"

"I never refused anything! Maybe I wanted to die!"

"I know you don't."

He sat quiet once again. The silence was broken a few seconds later by Blizzard.

"Please. Jolt wouldn't have wanted something so terrible to happen."

"Fine. How will I get there?"

"I knew you would do it! I have something that will make your travel quick and easy!"

He smiles.

"What is i-"

Before he can finish, a powder is blown into his face and he appears right at the edge of the Everfree. His things poof next to him a few seconds later. Putting on his saddlebags and his cloak, he begins to walk down the only road he sees, deep into the forest.

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