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Pokemon Kanto [1 open]

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((I'm assuming these are rooms with bunk beds, like they had in the show))

"I don't know, but let's check it out! Come on Poliwag!" Pinto said as he hopped out of bed, running out of the room.

"Poli!" Poliwag said, as he too hopped down from the bed and followed Pinto out.

((Fire, how rude! You never introduced yourself :)))

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(I thought this was what was happening, and I'm so glad it is. :20:)

Pinto tried flagging down a Chansey, but they didn't seem to notice him and the others. "We need to find Nurse Joy and find out what's going on!" Twister told the others as he started running towards the front of the Pokemon Center. He was hoping Nurse Joy would be out front by the desk.

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Spectrum awoke in a most clumsy manner, tumbling out of her top-bunk bed upon being startled awake by some sort of siren blaring. She laid on the floor for a moment or two, dazed and confused as she rubbed her eyes and looked around. Everypony seemed to have left without her. Again. She gave a sigh and hauled herself into a standing position. She nudged Ivan awake- he didn't seem to mind the noise of the alarm- and grabbed her backpack, hurrying out of the room. There didn't appear to be a fire or a robbery, as far as Spectrum saw... Just a flurry of panicking ponies. Spectrum scanned the crowds for anypony she recognized.

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