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Pokemon Kanto [1 open]

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((i will take it slow so you guys can repy to whats happening)) all of the pokecenter lights turn off at once and three shadow figers apper you can tell that one is a unicorn, one is a pagasus and the other is sometype of pokemon but can't make out

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The unicore use his magic and made a Rose apper and brought it close to his face

Prepare for trouble! said the pegasus

Make it double! said the unicorn

To protect the world from devastation! said the pegasus

To unite all peoples within our nation! said the unicorn

To denounce the evils of truth and love! said the pegasu

To extend our reach to the stars above! said the unicorn

Jessie! said the pegesus as a spotlight apper on her

James! said the as a spotlight apper on unicorn apper on him

Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light! Said Jessie

Surrender now, or prepare to fight! said James


That's right! said the pokemon as the spotlight apper on him also

then they jump down and landed across from you guys

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(Wow, I almost feel like asking if I can play them just to get their personalities right. :razz:)

"That's not gonna happen." Pinto retorted, getting ready to block the door if they made a move for it.

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((there will be a chance for all of your pokemon to feel like that and if i made them weak it win't be any fun for me but they won't be two hard also you should know team rocket doesn't really play fair)) "i will" said jessie as she throw a pokeball near char a bright light apper from it and out of it apper a ekans "i will join also" said james as he did the same thing as he throw his pokemon by fire and a koffing apper from it and Mewoth also join going to pinto "this should be easy" he said

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