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Pokemon Kanto [1 open]

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(Yeah, probably, but I don't want him to feel like he's getting left behind. I guess it's okay, since we haven't even left the Pokemon Center yet, but still.)

"Yeah, let's do this!" Pinto said, as Poliwag put on a mean face and his tail began to wag rapidly.

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"Poliwag! Hit Meowth with a Bubble!" Pinto yelled.

Poliwag leaped forward, and with a "Poli-WAG!" released a stream of bubbles.

the beam of bubbles hit meowth "oh yea well take this" said meowth as he ran to poliwag and bite it and hit it after he finish he back away "hmm tastes like fish" said meowth

"Charmander, use scratch in that ekans but watch out for his sting" Sky yelled out

char ran to ekans and scracth it and hit it "how dare you ekans use leer" said jessie then ekans eyes lit up and look at char scarying char a little

"Squirtle! Use your tackle on Koffing"

Squirtle ran to koffing and jump at it and tackle it knocking it back some "attacks like that won't be enogh to beat my koffing use posion gas" said james then koffing let loose some purple gas that when to squirtle after a couple of seconds surrounding him it disapper and squirtle look like it ok hurt but not like nomal ((you know what i mean i don't know how to spell it it starts with a P))
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Seeing Polwag take a bite like that made Pinto get an idea. "Fire, I think we should switch targets. Your Squirtle's shell is too thick for a bite to do anything. Keep it up Poliwag, use another Bubble!" Until Pinto got an answer from Fire, Poliwag would just have to keep fighting Meowth.

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"CHARMNDER, dont be forced back, go scratch again"

char landed and when for another scartch and hit ekans "ekans use another leer" said jessie and once again ekans eyes lit up like before

"Good idea! Squirtle tackle Meowth!" Fire called out squirtle ran to meowth and tackle him "oh yea well take this" said meowth as he went to squirtle and bite one of two squirtles weak points his tail then meowth back away after meowth back away squirtle cough some and hurt itself

"Poliwag! Hit Koffing with your Bubble instead of Meowth!" Pinto yelled, to make sure Poliwag knew of the new plan.

Poilwag turn to koffing and shot a beam of bubbles at meowth "oh yea well take this koffing use smog" said james koffing then stop moving just moving his mouth a bit and after a couple seconds he spit out a purple blob that look soild it hit poliwag and push it back a little then koffing started moving again after koffing was done poliwag cough some and it look like it hurted
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'Urgh, that Smog! If Charmander weren't in the fight, I could have Poliwag wash it all away!' Pinto thought to himself, trying to formulate the best strategy. "Hit 'em with another Bubble Poliwag! You can do it!"

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