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Pokemon Kanto [1 open]

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Sky saw the smog was startign to effect pinto and poliwag, sky had a idea on how to get it away

"Charmander, cancel scratch on ekans, use it to cling to a wall where the water cant touch you, pinto have poliwag get rid of that smog"

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"Squitle! Use tail whip now!" Fire yelled out

squitle hit meowth with his tail meowth rub the pace where he got hit and attack with scratch squitle cough from the posion

"Right! Okay Poliwag! Use Water Sport to get rid of the Smog!"

poliwag spit a blob of water where he could it expole and water and water came down soaking everything in the battle "koffing use tackle" said james koffing tackle poliwag knocking him back

Sky saw the smog was startign to effect pinto and poliwag, sky had a idea on how to get it away

"Charmander, cancel scratch on ekans, use it to cling to a wall where the water cant touch you, pinto have poliwag get rid of that smog"

charmander nodded and jump onto the wall staying on the wall thanks to his claws "ekans use poision sting" said jessie ekans use it but miss
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"Here, i'll spray some antidote on you Squirtle" Fire said spraying it on Squirtle's back and tail

you can't do that i double check and you never when in the pokemart only pinto did and he buy water

"You okay Poliwag?" Pinto asked. That looked like a brutal hit.

"Poli." Poliwag said, ready to go on fighting.

"All right then. Hit it with another Bubble!"

Poli jump in the air and shot a very powerful bubble it hit koffing and KO him ((it was a cirtal hit)) poli landed and ran back to pinto and jumo at him joyfully((poliwad also level up)) "koffing come back" said james as he recall koffing then turn into a red blob and when back into the ball
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((you are a bad tranier if you forget what pokemon you have on you)) squirtle turn into a red blob and went into the ball then fire threw pidgeys ball it landed on the ground it open real fast when it did a bright light apper and pidgey was there then the ball went back to fire by itself

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((i am sorry if that seem harsh i just would guess you would remember what pokemon you have again i am sorry if it was me i would remember what pokemon i have and what i don't also if you click the double arrow where the page number is you will do all the way to the first page where i rec what pokemon is in your party and your PC and also there level))

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(Hey, let's not forget how much of a moron Ash was. Seriously, even Dexter called him stupid.)

"Great job Poliwag!" Pinto said, giving him a hug, "But we're not done out there yet! Go hit Meowth with a Bubble!"

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(Hey, let's not forget how much of a moron Ash was. Seriously, even Dexter called him stupid.)

"Great job Poliwag!" Pinto said, giving him a hug, "But we're not done out there yet! Go hit Meowth with a Bubble!"

((yea i guess)) poliwag turn to meow hitting him with a bubble beam catching him off gaurd sending him flying into thr wall

((wow, i missed a bit))

"Charmander, swing of the roof an d use the momentom with scratch"

Char jump from the wall onto a hanging light grab onto and on the way down and did a scratch it hit and from the look of enkans it is almost done
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Sky could see char was doing well, ekans was almost down

"Charmander, lets finish it, you know what to do, CHARGE HIM WITH SCRATCH" Sky yelled out

((I dont know if he does or does not know ember yet))

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((no he does not i will tell you went he learns it)) charmander ran at ekans and did a scracth KO it jessie reuten ekans to its pokeball "well i guess we over stay are well come" said jessie as all of them ran out of the door and out of town to plan there next heist ((char also level)) ((pedgy also level))

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