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Pokemon Kanto [1 open]

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"that for a fact i know pokemon have weak systems every the ones that tower over us thats why they can be posion for a dose that can be legaty to use would be lets say a bathtub full of poison so pokemon posion is not to about" said nurse joy

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Fire raised her eyebrow and said "Aren't you old enough to feed yourself? Never mind". Fire gave him a spoonful of medicine and put it in his mouth. "Nurse Joy says that you need some rest to get better. If you need anything just knock on my door". She then remembered that Sky was too weak to stand up. "Scratch that. If you need anything just scream" Fire said closing the door

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Sky nodded as fire left

"Char, get out from there" He said as he felt something move under his bed. Charmander came out and ooked at sky.

Char? He said. Sky was starting to be able to understand char

"Il be fine buddy" He replyed

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Fire walked into her room and closed the door behind her. She let's Squirtle out of the ball and says to him "I guess we have to wait until Sky is better. And i think Pinto has run off to somewhere, he didn't come out of his room" Fire said petting Squirtle

"Squirt squirtle" Squirtle huffed

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Sky was bored, the medicine had made him feel a bit better, though he still was to sick to leave. Although sky wanted to get better, he was not doing it in here

"Hey char, lets go" Sky said as he did his best to get up, open the window and get out of the building. He created quite a racket

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((lol the first sentence XDD))

Fire heard some noise coming from Sky's room. She goes out of her room and knocks on the door. "Hey Sky? Are you okay back there?", no reply. Fire knocks again and waits.

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Sky threw up on the floor as he jumped out the window. He flapped his wings and landed with a chud, char was on his back

"Lets go bud" He said as he started to walk, still sick, to the poke mart

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Still no reply. Fire opens the door to see that the bed was empty. She opens the windows and sees Sky going to the pokemart. She smacks her hoof onto her face and says "He is still sick and he is already walking"

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Sky groaned as he pulled out the right amount and gave it to the pony at the desk. Sky saw charmander run up to them and looked at the food. He smiled

"Here" He said as he gave the money and grabbed his items, putting them in his bag as he walked out and back into the poke center, throwing up again as he reached the stairs. When he got back to his room he saw fire there


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Pinto had snuck out early in the morning with Poliwag to get some training in. The others had all done it, so why not he? Who knows, maybe he'd even catch another Pokemon like Fire had. "Nothin' yet. You find any Poliwag?"

"Poli." Poliwag replied downtroddenly.

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