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Pokemon Kanto [1 open]

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"I'm going out to catch pokemon. AND SKY BETTER STAY IN BED!!" Fire shouted to make sure Sky hears. She goes down stairs and nearly stumbles "Euuugh! Wow i almost stepped on Sky's puke" Fire said striding over and running out of the pokecenter to catch pokemon. She runs around the tall grass to wait for a pokemon to jump out

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"Aha! Poliwag, use Bubble!" Pinto said.

poliwag hit it send ratata flying into a tree ratata stood up and attack and hit poliwag it doesn't look like it can take any more hits

"I'm going out to catch pokemon. AND SKY BETTER STAY IN BED!!" Fire shouted to make sure Sky hears. She goes down stairs and nearly stumbles "Euuugh! Wow i almost stepped on Sky's puke" Fire said striding over and running out of the pokecenter to catch pokemon. She runs around the tall grass to wait for a pokemon to jump out

Fire found a wild ratata
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Squirtle ran at the ratata and tackle it it hit and the ratata got hit got send flying and already looks like it can't move good ((here is a another new thing i am going to try to do every now and then)) the ratata landed stood back up and try to run away but it trip and fell

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Sky stood up and grabbed charmander, he was feeling a lot better and he was tired of this stupid bed. He flew out of the window straight into some long grass. He wanted to find a pigy

"Hey bud, ready?" Sky said as they started searching

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"Charmander, get in as close as you can and use ember again" He yelled knowing htt his accuracy would be hinderd now

Char move closer and spit another small ball of fire hitting it pidgey tackle char from the look pidgey can't take much more

"Come on Squirtle! Use tackle again!"

Squirtle tackle ratata sending him flying and from the look ratata can't take much more ((smart had the packet so i am now trafering the pack to Dash)) a bight light came from the sky covering pinto then the light left him after pidgey finish its tackle the same light cover over sky picking him up and the air for a few seconds and then putting him back where he was
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"Nice job! Go pokeball!" Fire said throwing the pokeball at Ratata

fire thew the pokeball and it hit ratata after a few seconds of wiggleing it stop and power down comfiming the capture

Sky smiled"Finish it with scratch" Sky says as he grabbs a empty pokeball and gets ready for the capture

char went up to the pidgey and scatch it the pisgey bearly survice the scarcth it is to hurt to even move
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