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Pokemon Kanto [1 open]

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((lol where is RDD))

"Now tackle it!"

squirtle tackle and hit it and pidgey tackle and hit

((Sorry was at a friends for the day, had no access to net))

"Char, use ember, lets get this done so we can go and get this pack delivered" Sky yelled, encouraging char to do a OHKO

char spit a small fire at rat and it hit rat growl and it hit
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((Okay, I'm back... Sorry, I got behind on schoolwork, and now it's finals week! So, can somebody help me catch up here? Where are we? I noticed I missed a whole Team Rocket fight, dang it...

Also, just to let you all know, I am a girl. Judging by the conversation bits a few pages back in which you refer to me as "him", I'm guessing you didn't know that. No problem, though, lot of people seem to think I'm a guy online for some reason, just thought I'd let you all know. XD ))

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(( Haha sorry! I know that you are a girl since Galagirls told me. But for some reason i still call you a "he". I get that a lot too but so far we are so bored that we are just training up our pokemon! XDD))

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