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Pokemon Kanto [1 open]

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Spectrum huffed as she exited the pokemon center and looked around. In all the commotion the day before, the group appeared to have left her behind again.

"This had better not become a regular thing." she grumbled irritably.

Ivan seemed to share a similar exasperated feeling, giving a sigh as he hovered alongside Spectrum. They wandered through town, not seeing anypony they recognized until they reached the grass on the outskirts of town. Spectrum cut through the tall grass to reach them, but was stopped suddenly by something jumping out at her.

((Okay, what moves should Ivan know? I know Astonish is one, but what else?))

a wild pidgey jump at you

"That elder unicorn lying on the road. I saw him before we went back to Professor Twilight"

you guys got back in town and saw that the elder pony in the way was up and standing out of the way so you can pass
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Spectrum didn't notice the ponies approaching as she stared down the wild Pidgey with a grin. She didn't hesitate to get started.

"Ivan, use lick!" she called.

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