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Sky Ribbon [Ready]


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(Migrating this from Canterlot Chronicles, with adjustments of course.)




Roleplay Type: World of Equestria

Name: Sky Ribbon

Sex: Female

Age: Mare

Species: Pegasus

Eye colour: Cherry Red

Coat colour: Light Blue

Mane/Tail: Mid-length, in an androgynous style. Deep blue with curling red stripes mixed in.

Physique: About average height, if slightly shorter. Built about average as well.

Residence: Fillydelphia

Occupation: Weather Patrol

Cutie Mark: A white cloud enveloped in a coiling red ribbon.

One time when Sky was a young filly, Sky Ribbon's parents brought her and her brother with them to attend some event in Canterlot. Yet whatever that event was, it wasn't important enough to Sky for her to even remember the details. Rather, her mind was elsewhere that day. This was her first time outside of Cloudsdale, and honestly her first experience with the surface world. She was amazed by how varied and beautiful it was, her eyes grown tired and bored of the same old clouds in Cloudsdale. By the time the day was done, Sky couldn't bear to leave this new, beautiful world behind. Her parents, sympathetic to her pleas, agreed to extend their vacation one more day.

Unable to afford a night in Canterlot, they flew out to a nearby village out in the countryside. It was a small, nearly nameless town, but since it had a bed-and-breakfast, it was just fine for what they were looking for. That night, Sky couldn't sleep. She had too many questions, too much wonder and curiosity about the world. So sometime early in the morning, after her parents had fallen asleep, she snuck out to do a little exploring; it wasn’t the first time she’d disobeyed her parents, but it was the first time it truly felt right.

As it turned out, it was lucky she went out that night. Sky made her way out through the lush green woods and wide open fields, trees and grass swaying in the breeze and bathed in moonlight. Though she was still lost in awe at the sights all around her, she soon noticed something off. The light from above grew dim, and as she looked up, the stars and moon were becoming more and more blotted out. A storm was brewing out of lost, stray clouds from around the country, right over her head.. Well, a small storm, maybe a dozen small clouds at best, but at the time they seemed like a much bigger deal to the filly. They gathered over the little village and darkened, threatening some kind of thunderstorm. As Sky found her way back to the field behind the bed-and-breakfast, she heard the thunder from this system, and spotted the clouds against the moonlight. Her parents were asleep, and they had been the only pegasi Sky had seen since they left Canterlot.

On a wild leap of faith and using what she had learned at flight camp, Sky flew up towards those clouds and tried to push them out of the way. A few separated here and there, and more tried to join the mass; Sky wrangled each one she saw up into a solid 'herd'.

The more she gathered, however, the more difficult it was to hold them together; eventually they all burst back out, pushing her aside like she was nothing. As the thunder grew once more as lightning flashed between the clouds, Sky grew desperate. She cried out for help in the dead of night, waking half of the peaceful little village they'd been staying at, including her family. When her parents came outside to see what was happening, they rushed to their daughter's aid. But she refused to come down. She'd started this, and she was going to finish it.

Under some insistent and urgent direction from Sky Ribbon, reciting things from flight camp that her parents had already learned some time ago, and with the combined efforts of the three ponies, they gathered the clouds up and pushed them out of the way of the village, out over the countryside. It was only once they'd let go that the clouds gradually began to disperse once more.

Back at the bed-and-breakfast, Sky found her brother waiting, worried sick, along with the owner of the place. Soon behind her, after her parents had landed, the rain clouds drifted in their direction, drizzling all over the village. Sky was distraught; she thought she had failed. But the owner of the bed-and-breakfast was overjoyed. This rain marked the end of a two month drought for the village and its farmers.

Meanwhile, Sky's parents were just happy to see her in one piece. More importantly, they were proud of her for taking charge, and reminding them that there was a reason to take a risk like that. She was a hero, they told her, even if it was but a small victory. Of course, between the long day and the panic, Sky had passed out before her parents could show her she had earned her cutie mark. They decided that could wait until morning.


When Sky was young, she wasn't particularly social. In kindergarten, she barely talked to anypony else and didn't even try to make any friends. She preferred to play by herself, using her imagination. Concerned, her parents wanted to help Sky make some sort of new friends; thus, along with other contributing factors, they adopted Criss Cross. While he wasn't particularly outgoing either, he was so much more shy that it helped Sky see what was wrong with being antisocial, and so she started playing a lot more with others. Through that, her new brother, in turn, saw that he'd be better off if he at least tried to talk to other ponies.

As Sky grew up, she became a bit more social and active, but never all that much so. She made a few transient friends here and there, and otherwise went along with the crowds, but she wasn't that good of 'friends' with many of the ponies in school. She got bored easily, and always had this nagging feeling that most of the things the other ponies were so concerned about didn't matter so much in the big picture. The few friends she did make she had a hard time keeping track of, and by now she’s no longer in contact with anypony from grade school.

While this was all going on, she had something of a daily adventure to look forward to outside of school. Her father kept pushing her and Criss to try for sports teams both in-school and out, though neither of them were ever that good. After All Star finally made the crack, Criss managed to settle for little-league baseball, while Sky ended up giving basketball a shot. Between the two of them, they scored about 5 points for all of their respective teams combined over around 12 years. Around the start of high school, when Criss quit his little-league, Sky confronted their father, asking to drop basketball to focus on flight practice. Admittedly, she just wanted to get out of what, to her, was a losing and frustrating experience, but she didn’t want to outright tell her father that she thought sports were ‘stupid’, even if that’s how she saw it after her experience. All Star was obviously quite disappointed, but with young Drizzle Drip already showing signs of being far more active than her siblings, he held onto his hope for a more ‘sporty’ child yet.

After she got her cutie mark, Sky started having trouble focusing in school. She kept longing for the surface world, to go exploring out in the natural beauty. Who cared about math or history? Now that she really understood what was out there, she wanted to go on an adventure just like in old stories and books. Similarly, now she knew for sure that the other students were crazy, worrying about relationships and grades and all that.

Once her grades dropped from B's to D's and F's in just one semester, Sky's parents put their hooves down. Criss was paid to tutor his sister back into shape, though that wasn't exactly the problem and served mostly as a hang-out time for the two. In the end, it was Sky's parents who talked her out of such thoughts. They worked to make sure she knew that she should appreciate her youth while she has it. It was her father that really got to her, however; he basically told her that it was fine to dream, and to dream big, but she had to make sure she didn't forget what was happening right now either. It’s a notion she’s tried to hold onto ever since.

From there, she got right back into things school-wise. She had to try to make new friends from scratch, but it wasn't so bad. With Criss to help her, she made it through that year and the rest of grade school without too much problem. Another month or two of specialized flight training later, and she was ready to assume weather patrol duty. Her and Criss Cross left home within a few months of each other, first her and then her brother. They both visit their parents and little sister every now and then, but otherwise they're now on their own.

Character Summary:

Sky Ribbon is an odd young mare from Cloudsdale with a wild imagination and a longing for adventure. When she’s not tending the clouds near Fillydelphia, she spends a lot of time daydreaming and wandering around admiring the outdoors. She can be a bit lazy at times and blindly impulsive at others, but if she just puts her mind to something, she’ll get it done, and get it done right.

Her friends might not find her always the most dependable, but its clear her heart is in the right place. Sky thinks of her and her friends more like a team or a family. She likes to keep her friends close, both to herself and each other, and loves to see them working in cooperation and harmony.


Once she gets started on something, she sees it through to its end so long as that end is in sight. While her brother is better at coming up with solutions in general, she has learned a bit from him. Mixed with a sense of creativity, she can think outside the box to solve problems more often than not. When focused, she can be considerably more coordinated, both physically and mentally. At times, she can be rather optimistic.


She is highly impatient and a bit impulsive. She can be a bit lazy and slow to start on tasks, and is often caught daydreaming. As a result, she is a bit absent-minded, and not always the most coordinated. Long-term tasks tend to discourage her and prevent her from getting motivated.


- What does she want to do/What is her dream? -

While somewhat vague, Sky wants to have an adventure. She doesn't know what kind or even where to begin, but she wants to get out and see the world somehow, both up close and from the skies.

- What sort of habits does she have? -

As a leftover from her 'all-natural' phase in high school, she has some more 'animalistic' habits, or at least some more than noticeable on most ponies (growling, scratching her ear or shaking dry like a dog, walking off paved roads, etc.).

- What does she do when she's bored? -

When bored, Sky tends to daydream quite a lot, and about many different things. For example, she'll imagine she's somewhere else, flying freely in the clouds, or at least until she actually lifts off; the sense of leaving the ground usually snaps her out of it, among other things, like somepony actually speaking directly to her, though that may take a few attempts.

- What does she do as a hobby/hobbies? -

While not exactly the best at it, she loves to sing or whistle, especially along with music. Sometimes even dance. Other than that, she likes to go for a walk or a 'flight' out in nature every now and then. She likes to play more imaginative games than those with strict rules, such as sports and games like chess, though in her boredom she’s often open to suggestions.

- What are her fears? -

Sky isn't particularly afraid of much, though some things just get to her. In particular, she's extremely uncomfortable around bugs, doubly so if they're on her, and she is terrified by snakes. She also dreads being stuck in a simple, ‘mundane’ situation for the rest of her life, but that’s more of a fear for the future than anything that’d make her yelp or scream in fright.

- What irritates her? -

She absolutely can't stand just waiting for something or somepony. She'd rather do something, even if its just to take a walk or pace in the hallway. She’s also fairly annoyed by loners, the uncooperative, or anypony else who refuses to work with others, based on how she was raised with her father encouraging a ‘team’ mentality. Often time she might jump to conclusions in this regard, however.

- What else besides the obvious interests her? -

She likes to read about magic or see it in action, both from unicorns and pure stage magic. She has a particular interest (with regards to actual, unicorn magic) in illusions and mind trickery.

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For the most part, this app meets the requirements for WoE. The one thing though that you'll have to change however is the Cutie Mark Story. It is okay for a single filly to break up a thunderstorm by herself in Canterlot Chronicles, but because WoE sticks closer to the feel of the show, having one filly being capable of all that is extremely far-fetched. If you give your OC a more plausible CM story, it shouldn't take long for it to get stamped. :)

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For the most part, this app meets the requirements for WoE. The one thing though that you'll have to change however is the Cutie Mark Story. It is okay for a single filly to break up a thunderstorm by herself in Canterlot Chronicles, but because WoE sticks closer to the feel of the show, having one filly being capable of all that is extremely far-fetched. If you give your OC a more plausible CM story, it shouldn't take long for it to get stamped. :)

Okay, I toned back the story in a few ways. It's basically the same, and in her mind she might remember it being a bigger deal, but now it's more in-line with something more routine (I'd think) for weather-patrol ponies. Not to mention her parents had to help. Does that make it any better?

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