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Hello all! I am obviously new here. Am I good at role-play? No. Have I ever done RP? No. Would Ilike to learn? YES! Sorry, I'm not experienced at all.

But, I am a collector and lover of MLP. I collect mostly Friendship Is Magic stuff, but I also like 'old' MLP in some cases.

I'm kind of lame in the sense that I am working on only season 2 of MLP FIM. I know, I know...

So, tell me, what in the world goes on around here? I would love to join in the fun, but am new to forums!!! :razz:

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Welcome to Canterlot! Hope you have a good time here. :)

If you want to learn about Roleplaying and how it works, I would suggest looking at this thread if you haven't already, and posting to it if you have any questions or would like some help getting started.

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Well, Canterlot's forums are just like any community in real life (only we can't usually see each other's faces). There's a chat where you can just hop in and talk to whoever's around about whatever you want, and all of the non-roleplaying areas of the forum are always bustling with activity in regards to just about anything you could imagine!

It can take a minute to get settled in (and we're here to help with that, of course), but it's tons of fun.

So, welcome to Canterlot, and I hope you like it here!

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Welcome to Canterlot.com!

Looks like Ghost Girl has already answered your question about what goes on around here.

This is a fun place to be!

Hope you enjoy your stay here!


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Welcome, welcome, welcome!! Hope you enjoy your stay here with us in Canterlot!!


If you need anything at all, just message me and i'll be more than happy to help you out!!

Cheers and Enjoy,



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