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A whole new world(rp)


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About Myself: My name's Steptune and I like music, games, spending time outdoors. I write for fun, I've been wanting to do one for mlp for a long time.

How I found Canterlot.com: A member from this site mentioned it and I decided to look into it

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: It was purely out of curiosity at first. I kept seeing mlp videos all over youtube and finally said "Okay what is so special about these? Why all the hype over a cartoon?" the first episode had me scratching my head, but I told myself to at least watch three of them...then a forth...and fifth and sixth, by then I had show two of my friends and got them interested in it.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy
So yeah nice to meet you and stuff

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Welcome to Canterlot.com!

We have many great writers here on this website!

Fluttershy is great!

Hope you enjoy your stay!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Steptune, welcome to Canterlot Winter!

I'm Candiey, and I guess I'm not much of somepony to be telling you where to go, what to do or to resolve any issues regarding my experience (*cough* I only joined yesterday *cough*) but I can tell you from my heart that you will definitely enjoy this forum!

Everyone here is great, welcoming, fun and helpful, and visiting the website everyday will definitely award you with high spirits and happiness.

I wish you the best of times here at Canterlot, and like the others have said,

'Welcome, welcome, welcome!'


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