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About Myself: I'm a Prince, and I like to make people happy. I'm horribly introverted but I've started trying to get out of it at least to accomplish my goal for being here. I can role play, I used to love it and its how i got most of my current friendships now. I'm not good at organizing role plays and I'm out of practice. Hopefully i can do some watching before i join.

How I found Canterlot.com: I'm a friend of a past administrator, im hoping to atleast relocate her.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I found it accidentally when looking at TF2 animations. I liked a parody, didn't know what it was called so i started researching. after i found out, the closeting happened and so forth.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Miss Rarity
I'm here on a mission of friend making, with the larger goal of finding a new best friend, due to the Extremely early message by the young miss Ladybug as she's called. I was given the impression that i had came closer to my goal. Thank for for the great start and I'm certain we'll be great friends. if you want to i mean..

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