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Green Spark(Ready)


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Roleplay Type: World of Equestria

Name: Green Spark (Or Sparky for short)

Sex: Male

Age: Young Stallion

Species: Pegasus

Eye color: Orange

Coat: Lime Green

Mane/Tail: Blue with Grey streaks through it. His mane and tail are kept short and un-styled most of the time.

Physique: Tall and somewhat fit, a light weight compared to other Pegasi. Given his lighter weight he is extremely fast and somewhat sturdy for his body type.

Residence: Born in Baltimare moved to Cloudsdale

Occupation: Weather Pony

Cutie Mark: A could with three lightning bolts.

Green Spark had a common upbringing, nothing out of the ordinary really. Aside from being the only Pegasus in class there was nothing else remarkable about school. Green Spark had four close friends two of which had already attained their cutie mark, but he didn’t give it much thought. Green Spark would often sit on the low hanging clouds and think about what he was good at while idly pawing at the cloud he was on. The foal would even go so far as to try and mold or kick away bits and pieces while he thought about what he was good at, before moving onto the next cloud to think.

One day there was a group art project that was due and the best one would be put in the paper. The perfect motivation for any school group to do their best, Green Spark and his friends went to work brain storming immediately. Their group leader was convinced that the biggest and boldest project would win, an ambitious goal. The problem was their lack of a solid idea, keeping to his habit Green Spark found a low cloud and tried to think and let the images his friends had proposed run through his mind as he idly kicked and pawed away at the cloud he was on.

As he took notice of the cloud he was on growing smaller he realized it bore a strange resemblance to the image one of his friends had drawn. Inspiration struck and Green Spark returned to his friends with his idea. Once the others in the group had heard about his project idea they agreed upon it. When the day finally came to turn the project in the group approached the front of the class empty hoofed. The group leader proudly told the class that their project wouldn’t fit in the room. The teacher’s exp<b></b>ression was one of confusion, surely they couldn’t use that much paper for a simple art project.

The group leader asked if she would come outside to see and she reluctantly agreed. Up in the sky were several clouds shaped in various images Green Spark’s friends had drawn. As promised the best piece of art was entered into the paper, however abstract it might have been. The paper’s bragging rights was dwarfed in comparison to what happened next that day. Green Spark had been so wrapped up admiring his creations before they were to be blown away that he didn’t even notice his cutie mark had appeared.

History: Green Spark was born in Baltimare and raised primarily by his mother who was proud to see such a dedicated little foal growing before her eyes. His mother lacked wings all together being an earth pony but always cheered Green Spark on. His father was extremely busy with work and had little time to spend with the family, but Green Spark never resented him for it, his father always did the best he could to make up for it. His parents were proud when he came home telling them about his group’s project, but what really caught their attention was the new cutie mark that now resided on his flank. After realizing that Green Spark was a born natural at manipulating clouds, his father made the suggestion that he study other weather formations his mother agreed whole heartedly.

Green Spark began to read up on weather patterns and how they were controlled by the weather ponies. As he grew older he spent more time reading and honing his flying abilities, ceaselessly working towards what he felt was his calling. When the day finally came that he told his parents and friends he was moving to Cloudsdale the reaction was less than pleasant, but they understood. Baltimare would always be his first home, and he would never outgrow the friends he had made there nor would he forget about his family.

Upon reaching Cloudsdale Green Spark felt oddly at home where as he had expected to be home sick. Perhaps it was because he was finally around his own type of pony. Joining the weather ponies proved to be a bit more complicated than he had previously anticipated. They rigorously tested his skills and knowledge pushing the young stallion past what he thought was his limit. Despite the difficulty of their test Green Spark managed to impress them. Today he is a proud member of the weather pony crew and takes great pride in his work.

Character Summary: Green Spark isn’t opposed to flying solo and in fact enjoys sitting on clouds of far higher altitude than when he was a foal. He still idle chips away at their fluffy white form with his hooves. When he applies himself he can make fairly decent cloud formations of all shapes and sizes. He would never go so far as to call it art though.

If Green Spark does make a friend he’s steadfast in supporting them. He will be honest with them, even if it means telling them something they may not want to hear. Part of being a friend is helping each other out, and sugar coating a problem isn’t helping.

Green Spark dislikes rude ponies and those that look down on those less fortunate than them. He believes respect is earned not given, anyone can hold a position of power it’s what you do with it that matters.

Green Spark doesn’t like being the center of attention, opting to be the listener in the conversation even if it’s a topic that interests him. His fear is saying or doing something that will derail the subject or make him look stupid.

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Thank you for your patience. I've read the app, and I'm actually very confused over what your OC's supposed to do. Is he a disk jockey who plays recorded music for an audience? Does he compose his own music, and if so, what instruments does he use? Please clarify so that I can make a more accurate judgement on your OC.

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I'm still very much confused by how you intend to portray your OC. Figuring out the sound of musical notes is not a very important skill for a DJ to have, really. Part of being a good RPer is to understand what exactly the sort of things your OC would do in his or her occupation other than the vaguest of ideas.

If you want, you can skip our drawn-out OC approval process by switching your OC's RP Type from "World of Equestria" to "Free For All". By doing so, your OC won't require any more edits made to get him approved. Furthermore, you can begin RPing in Free For All straight away without waiting for this app to be officially approved. :)

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I am still working on this character, possibly over hauling him completely instead of just continual edits here and there which from what I have read would be required. I have been doing the rework in a word document so I can just cut/paste the new revised version all at once instead of pieces at a time. Edit: I decided to redo this OC from head to hoof.

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Alright, got around to looking over your new character. Here's what will need to be changed:

  • Having a foal bullied by nearly an entire class of students is not something that would ever happen on the show, especially for reasons involving the species of a particular pony. Since World of Equestria is our canon-friendly RP area, you're going to have to strip this app of all references to bullying. An OC's backstory in no way should revolve around angst.
  • The Character Summary is too short. We ask that users offer at least two full paragraphs for this field, and that instead of having it read like a bare-bones dating profile, it should provide a clear picture of how you actually intend to use your OC in a RP environment. If you need help in padding out the Summary, please refer to Rarity's Simply Fabulous Application Form for suggestions.

The first app is usually the toughest for a new user to get approved. Just hang in there and follow my guidance, and this app will be stamped sooner or later. Or if you also want, you can skip the long approval process by reassigning this OC to Free For All. ^_^

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Okay I'll work on Summery, I have read the guide already (multiple times) and I have looked at other examples of accepted (and not accepted) apps

As far as angst goes, an argument could be made that the mane 6 cutimarks were the direct(and indirect) result of bullying which is canon. But that's a matter of interpritation I suppose. I just don't want a cookie cutter OC which is hard since almost everything has been done to death.

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As far as angst goes, an argument could be made that the mane 6 cutimarks were the direct(and indirect) result of bullying which is canon. But that's a matter of interpritation I suppose. I just don't want a cookie cutter OC which is hard since almost everything has been done to death.

Sorry for being away for a bit, but I can get back to you now. To simply put it, there is no evidence whatsoever that any character on the show has been teased by an entire social group. Individual ponies can be jerks towards others, and sometimes they become close friends with ponies who are also jerks, but these sorts of bad eggs never make up a majority of a student body. Because World of Equestria remains as true as possible to the spirit of the show, we ask that users keep the previous facts in mind.

PS: Other users before have also tried having their OCs be excessively bullied before, so that ain't really a new thing under the sun. Unless you're writing some super funky sci-fi, chances are that someone else has also used the same type of character that you thought up of.

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In the future, note that posting when you've made an edit is the most sure way to inform us to check your revisions out. Otherwise, we tend to miss it, since we're busy people and all. :razz:

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Looks good, but before I stamp, can you just do a minor fix?

I just want you to put "Name" next to the name, rather than after RP type. Try to keep the headers aligned with the field they are representing. Thanks :)

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