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About Myself: I like to RP,Listen to music/Dubstep,watch doctor who,and post ponies on Instagram

How I found Canterlot.com: I'm a brony and I searched up mlp forums.And this is what I found that looked the most interesting.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I'm the family clown in my family.When season 2 came out and season 1 came on Netflix,I played it to be funny.It became pretty interesting,so I watched a few episodes,before you knew it,I've finished season 3 waiting for season 4.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy,Rainbow Dash
Hello!im new here!

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Welcome, welcome, welcome!! Hope you enjoy your stay here with us in Canterlot!!


If you need anything at all, just message me and i'll be more than happy to help you out!!

Cheers and Enjoy,



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