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About Myself: I am 15 years old. I am a male. I make music in fl studio in my spare time. I used to be part of MLPForums until I got banned.

How I found Canterlot.com: Google

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Through BronyDanceParty's PMV's back in july.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Rainbow Dash
Hello, I am HydroAmbience, you can call me hydro. I wanted to find a new forums since I was banned on mlpforums and I wanted to find one that used IP.board as the forum software. I will be active here alot. I hope to see some of you around.

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That is true. But it has been about two months since It has happened. I have learned from my past mistakes. (also that eggplant emote is briliant!)

Haha! The past Admin Autumn made it! There was a joke going around that the word "Eggplant" was banned and we were to use the british word (Aubergine) For a while the filter would automatically change it to Aubergine XD It was a funny time!

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Welcome, welcome, welcome!! Hope you enjoy your stay here with us in Canterlot!!


If you need anything at all, just message me and i'll be more than happy to help you out!!

Cheers and Enjoy,



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