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Hello everypony, I'm Jaytheforth!


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About Myself: I'm Jaytheforth, and I'm quite happy to meet you all! I'm so glad to enter your community!

How I found Canterlot.com: I Googled Brony Forums!

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I was on 4chan when My Little Pony first became popular. I thought little of it for months, and then inevitability that keeps the universe moving on took it's course. I'm happy ;)

My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy
Hello everypony! I'm Jaytheforth, and I'm a brony. I've been a brony for the past 3 kindness, most wonderful, compassionate, and fantastic years of my life! I'm so glad to be a brony, and I'm so excited to enter your community! My favorite pony is Fluttershy because she's so compassionate and kind to everypony, and she cares for every single creature with her love and devotion to all. I really love Fluttershy <3:oops:

Lemme tell you a little about myself: I love drawing. Drawing is my one and only hobby, and I'm so happy to enjoy my drawing. I draw out worlds; I like to build them up from scratch, building everything in the entire world creatively. :shifty: I don't often get the chance to see creative worlds in other stories, :!: which, I feel, is a shame, because these worlds are so rich and vibrant in everything else, story, characters, plots, but so many lack creativity. Maybe that's one of the reasons I like ponies. :smirk: Oh! And I love it when things run their full course; I have a hard time conversating, because I naturally want to run every topic to it's fullest extent, and expand onto other topics quickly, so I run into multiple streams of thought simultaneously.

I love video games. Simulations are my favorites, I love simulations of the humanities, society, government, life, history, economies, psychology, just to name my general tastes ;) I love my certain type of games; the slower, steady type of games mainly; although I do have partial tastes in other genres of gaming. I really enjoy CRPGs (Computer RPGs, like the original Fallout games, Arcanum, Planetscape, to name a few), space games, building games, creativity games, :halo:

unique games in general, RPGs in general, too, and for that matter, any games that click into my neurons. I've played games since I was little; I played a lot of really good simulations on the computer, and now I play all of my games on the PC; which is really nifty, because that means I can play every single game ever created, and much more. :-| I love video games, and I'm glad to have that as a pastime.

I used to be in Threatre when I was a kid. I started playing in little Pre-School plays, and from there I always held my interesting for Theater. I've played in 38 plays; it's quite an experience to be a Thespian; it's a really tight knit group, which is probably the reason I'm in the brony community, because it's so tight knit and joyously magical. :) I spent 15 wonderful years in Theatre. :smirk:

I like reading, although I have a terrible tendency to grow distracted, and then I want to do something more stimulating, so I'm a bit behind on my reading desires, which are quite lofty because I want to know so much, and I generally find that the best and most information comes from certain books. I like fiction stories, if they connect with me (it seems to take a special book to really get me enjoying the passages), and I really like non-fiction, especially detailed books that really have a lot to teach. I really enjoy readying; it's one of my core joys of life. I like reading because so much can be learned from reading, in a way other forms of communicate and education just can't match, except perhaps the Khan Academy. :)

I'm more of a humanities guy than other fields; I really enjoy law, and I really like government-simulation games (and most simulation games in general). Although, I have interest in the hard sciences, like biology, physics, and chemistry, although I have a harder time understanding them because they don't flow to me as well as the humanities and the softer sciences. :blush: I especially enjoy math, probably because of it's basic nature, how everything else builds on top of it; I love how everything fits together and connects so masterfully. Oh, speaking of fit, I like walking.

Oh, and I enjoy pacing and thinking; that's one of my cardinal joys of existence.

So, that's a bit about me, I'm soo happy to meet everypony! :(

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Welcome, welcome, welcome!! Hope you enjoy your stay here with us!!


If you need anything at all, feel free to contact me using IM!!


Enjoy life here!!


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Welcome to Canterlot.com!

Good to see you're a brony of many talents! We have many artists on this site!

And it's great that you perform in plays! I'm in a Christmas Play this year and am having trouble remembering all my lines!

Hope you enjoy your stay!


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  • 4 weeks later...

Welcome, welcome, welcome!! Hope you enjoy your stay here with us!!

If you need anything at all, feel free to contact me using IM!!

Enjoy life here!!


Awww, thank you so much, xXDashieXx! I love your emoticon lines, and your name; to your creativity I defer <3



Thanks so much! I sure will!





Thanks! <3:aubrey::)



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Wow that is one long introduction! Welcome to Canterlot!

Wthanks! So much for your kindness! I try my best my introductions; I really try to tell who I am, because I love recapping my life! I just love introducing myself sooooooo much! <3

Thanks so much! I'm happy to be here in welcoming arms :-o :D


:smirk: :shock:

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Welcome to Canterlot.com!

Good to see you're a brony of many talents! We have many artists on this site!

And it's great that you perform in plays! I'm in a Christmas Play this year and am having trouble remembering all my lines!

Hope you enjoy your stay!


Awww, thank you so much, Mojo! I'm so proud to be called a brony of many talents <3:-|

hehe, lines were never my thing. My producer disliked me, because I never wanted to read the script. Something about copyright, and lawsuits, and getting shut down. Like we'd have video evidence, except our recorded videos. Those might indite me pretty hard.

Thanks so much, Mojo; I'll try my very best to love my stay here in your community <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

:oops: :smug::-o:shock: ;)

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Hello there and of course welcome to Canterlot. This is definatelt a creative community to be a part of and I too am glad to be a part of it. Enjoy your stay with us Friend, I know everypony will enjoy your company!

Awww, thanks! And I'm exausted; thanks for warm welcomes, everypony!

And a special thanks to you, soundwav; because it's your post! And everypony deserves to feel special <3


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