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hello peoples and ponies


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About Myself: i am a game dev, writer and an artist i am from appleton wisconsin the land of cheese

How I found Canterlot.com: google search

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: it all started when i was browsing youtube and i saw a video by the yogscast about a minecraft mod titled mine little pony so i watched it and then the next one but soon there were no more so i decided to check out the show it was based off of and i was hooked a few nights later i had a dream about a new episode of mine little pony and then in the morning they came out with a new video and one of the first things simon said was something like "you know i had a dream about this" and then i knew it was meant to be

My favourite main cast pony/s: Miss Rarity
so yeah i'm a big fan of roleplaying as well so woot

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