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Equestria Divided


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"Not long, Flaming will be up to her ears, Xeni will probably suffer, but that's his fault. First, we have to figure out our next move..Any ideas?" Nocturne didn't feel bad for Xeni, he'd have to deal with his work, but that was the price he'd pay for not escaping.

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"Yeah. She usually wakes up about now. Shes gonna blow her top. We might as well visit him tomorrow and

see if he wants to come. "

Flaming was in fact waking up. She started our to the stables. She looked in Xeni's, creepily, then went to Nocturne's. She turned back to Xeni's stable "have you seem Nocturne?"

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Flaming went to the police station and rung the bell. when no one answered she rang it again. finaly somepony showed up "what do you want?" the police officer said "id like to file a runaway slave report." he handed her a piece of paper. she filled it out and gave it back. he read it "ill send some stallions to search for them." he went to the back and told some police stallions to go look for them

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"Yeah, we need to get him out. Flaming is going to work him to death...B-but, you're right. I suppose we have to wait" he said, he wanted to act, but she was right. Nocturne was going to have to wait.

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*he dries his tears again* well that's okay i guess just don't push yourself to hard *he gently nuzzles her and quietly sings her another lullaby for her to drift off to sleep to* good night *he stays awake 15 mins later then normal and thinks to himself* "she looks very peaceful like this" *and kisses her cheek, cozies up next to her and fast-ly drifts off to sleep himself*

(just in case you didn't see, shadow bolt and if you did sorry for the double post)

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(My appoligises, i made a mistake.)

Midnight opened her eyes, seeing Jora sleeping next to her.

"J-jora, you awake?" she asked, before feeling the pain in her eye, remembering what happened. She quickly checked to see if her mane was covering it, and glad to see it still was.

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okay.. *he said sleepily and walked into the bathroom found the mirror and levitated it too her* there you are~ *he said with a pleasantly sleepy tone to his voice* is that all *he said from the bathroom making sure that's all*

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Midnight picked up the mirror, moving her mane to see if the cut had healed. It hadn't, she winced at it, it looked bad.She realized that Jora was still around, and put her mane back, to cover it incase he might have seen it.

"N-no Jora, i'm fine. Thank you"

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