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HHAAAAI!-- i mean, hi...


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About Myself: Please, call me Guusagi or whatever you'd like. I guess I am a girl last time I checked XD. I love drawing, anime, reading and playing video games, mostly MMOs or visual novels/japanese dating sims. I am a both social and anti-social person at the same time, if that makes sense. I love being alone in my room, doing nothing but internet surfing or playing on my 3DS, I hate talking to crowds or strangers and carry a blank expression on my face when in public areas. However, I am always hyper and full of life when around my friends, very open about myself and my thoughts and just enjoy socializing on the internet and recently got used to doing skype calls ^^

How I found Canterlot.com: was trying to look for an active mlp forum, to make friends and discuss the show and roleplaying at least once a day or so! Got it on google.com xD

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Honestly I don't remember at all~! I just ended up liking the show suddenly, maybe I was brainwashed into liking it...UM MOVING OON~~

My favourite main cast pony/s: Miss Rarity, Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle

Wh-what? There's more to write about??? UUHMMM?!?!?!?! SCREEEEE


(hyper mode deactivate) Sorry everypony, I'm just happy to get into the fandom again :D Happy fanponying friends~ /)(\

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Welcome, welcome. Hope you enjoy your stay here in Canterlot. We're all here to make sure that the others are having a great time, so don't fear to jump into the mix!

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Welcome to Canterlot.com!

Your intro is fine, and there are many artists on this website! Glad to have you aboard!

Hope you enjoy your stay!


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