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Hi, my name is Powderpuff


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About Myself: I'm currently going to art school in Philly, majoring in Fine Arts with a minor in Illustration. So...yeah, I love art! My things are drawing and painting.

Best pony's almost always been Applejack, but in the past two years Rarity has come real close to stealing that place out from under her. I think they're tied right now.

I'm on another brony forum, mlpforums.com, under the same username. I'm most active on the MLP Arena, though. Well, by most active, I mean I lurk there the most :P I am a quiet and shy person, both in person and online. Which means I am much more of a lurker, won't post much of my opinions, and may have anxiety when it comes to responding to people. Obviously I love FiM, but I'm also a fan of the old gen toys - I love finding G1s at thrift stores and antique stores and cleaning them up like new.

Oh, and I am currently nursing a raging obsession with Frozen :(

How I found Canterlot.com: Google

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I started watching the show in February 2011, forced to watch it by my brother.

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Miss Rarity
Anyway, yeah. Looking forward to getting to know some of you :)

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Welcome to Canterlot.com!

We have many great artists on this site! Nice to hear you like AppleJack since I 'officially' RP as Granny Smith here!

Hope you enjoy your stay!


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