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Hi everypony!


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About Myself: (all this is posted on my profile)

How I found Canterlot.com: Exploring the wonders of google. I happened upon it by chance

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: (This will be in a diff part as I typed too much)

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy,Miss Rarity,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Pinkamina Diane Pie
(how I became a mlp fan) I am typing this here for the face I had made it so long and went into a story/rant like grandma does XP

I had been in that age gap where mlp Generation 1 (and what is called gen2) ended, I was raised after the series had gone. At the time there wasn't just anywhere you could watch mlp (as epic as gen 1 was right!?) And well my cousins (all older) had grown up watching. We used to play with the big colorful ponies inside then go out to their farm and feed and care for the real horses. I grew up absolutely loving one horse in general. I called him tangerine, for the color of his coat was so orange. He was my favorite friend in the world along side my collie/basset hound mix.

It was years later before mlp emerged, at the time my sister was very young and it caught her eye immediately. Well I can't say I was a fan of gen "3" but... I always have enjoyed kids based cartoons with good plots and story lines. Well the shows were playing one day so I sat down to watch with my sis. Little did we know Lauren Faust and her crew are just dangling chocolate milk filled cotton candy clouds before us and we are hooked! Needless to say it is years later and my bronies pegasisters and all have ourselves decked in mlp merchandise and are gathering to watch the show.

In all honesty many people feel the same, for I have heard the testimonies of many bronies, most of us didn't grow up the popular kid. Well I wasn't and I wont sit here and complain but what I am going to say is mlp is like a get away. A place where a kindness and love this world doesn't truly understand exists. Who doesn't want that. I constantly get bartered for "Being too old for cartoons" "stop being a baby" "you know that show is watched by cr-" You know what no. Bronies are awesome, I believe that. I came here to be apart of the community I have been too long scared to join. I hope I can get the chance to chat with you all! I'm done ranting for the night XD!! Byyeeeeee!

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Welcome to Canterlot.com!

There's lots of fun things to do on this website, feel free to explore!

Hope you enjoy your stay!

:D :D :D

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