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Salutations from CinnamonSwirl!


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About Myself: Hello everyone! I'm a fairly recent inductee into the MLP:FiM fandom, and only fell in love with the series this last year. Beyond my obvious new found admiration for technicolor ponies, I'm also a rural bumpkin who happens to be a huge roleplaying nerd (all types of games, all types of systems :3), enjoy the soothing sound of jazz, and playing video games!

How I found Canterlot.com: I was actually referred from another MLP fansite member who cited you guys as being a great roleplaying community. And, well, here I am!

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Originally, I never thought of myself as someone who would enjoy the My Little Pony franchise; Friendship is Magic included, despite the frequent hype it receives and its massive fanbase backing it. Truthfully, I thought it was something more for young girls than someone such as myself. Were it not for a friend of mine though and her constant discussion of the series, she inevitably convinced me to at least give it a try. From there I was hooked, and I've never looked back!

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy,Miss Rarity,Twilight Sparkle
Anyways! I can't wait to get started here on the boards. I'm sure once I've made my way around and done some brainstorming, I'll no doubt have a great time here in Canterlot!

I look forward to gaming with you folks very soon :D

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Hello, hello! Welcome to our humble corner of the ponynet!

Hanging out on IRC, you'll meet some interesting characters.

Also, Twilight Sparkle is best pony :)

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