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Sweet Tooth [Ready]


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Sweet Tooth

"How in Celestia are you going to be able to make a dozen cakes by noon?"

"Very carefully."

Name: Sweet Tooth

Roleplay Type: WoE

Gender: Female

Age: Young Mare (Just started living by herself.)

Species: Earth Pony

Eye Color: Pink

Character Color: Chocolate Brown has white freckles on her cheeks.

Mane/Tail Color: Vanilla White. Her tail has clip on the end to keep it from being loose. While her hair is held back back with a pink hair clip to keep it out of the way while cooking.

Physique: Slightly shorter than most mares and a little chubby.

Residence: Canterlot

Occupation: Owns and works at a bakery called Sugar Rush.

Cutie Mark: A slice of vanilla cake with a bite taken out of it.

History: Tooth was born and raised in Canterlot by her father. She was taken care of mostly by her father due to her mother's travelling a lot for her business. She was being raised to take over her father's business as a lawyer. She was raised to think of every challenge as an opportunity to get ahead. While this did help her later on in life she did not have the predatory personality needed to get ahead and showed no interest in the field of law. While this did upset her father at first he accepted it and allowed her to pursue her own ambitions.

Cooking for her and her father for so many years caused her to became very passionate and capable in baking. One of her father's clients saw her abilities and offered to apprentice her at his bakery. While initially reluctant due to the possibility of compromising the lawyer/client relationship he had established he relented ( After much pleading from his daughter). She worked and trained for years with him and they began to see each other as not only teacher and student but as family. One day she decided to enter a small baking competition. She won first place with her entry of a vanilla cream cake while taking half the time it took for her competitors to finish their entries. As she stood on stage with her teacher the crowd applauding her there was a flash. She looked at her flank and gasped in surprise . She had got her cutie mark.

She continued to learn under her teacher until there was nothing left for him to teach. Then he surprised her. Turns out for those years he was training her was so she could be his successor. His plan was to retire when she came of age and allow her to take over the bakery. She broke down and vehemently thanked him and promised to become the best baker in Canterlot.

Personality: Sweet Tooth is very kind and will do just about anything to help somepony. She loves to interact with other ponies, however her hyper activity can be a little overwhelming and she has few friends her able to tolerate it. She sees every problem as a opportunity to better herself and her craft.

She is known throughout Canterlot for her ability to change recipes to reduce cooking time. She becomes slightly depressed when customers don't like her recipes and is quite sarcastic when naysayers who question her ability to make high quality food with such speed and accuracy.

Due to her early training as lawyer she is quite capable in negotiations and has the manners necessary to get by in Canterlot (she just doesn't use them very often). She is able to keep an air of professionalism when working for the more serious customers (If only for a little while).

She is absolutely terrified of dogs. Immediately avoiding anything involving them. While exceptional at baking, she isn't very good at cooking other things. She does enjoy a nice walk in the park when she has a day off.

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Thank you for your patience; I'll be providing feedback for this app:

  • Fix the app sheet formatting so that the RP Type field is with the other fields, instead of being isolated at the top.
  • Remove the mention of your OC's mother dying, and don't replace it with another tragic event. World of Equestria matches the light-hearted tune of the show as best as it can, which means tragedy is not permitted in OC backstories.
  • The Personality section is a bit light, as it dwells almost exclusively on how she does her job. Read through Rarity's App Sheet for ideas on how to pad out this section further.

You have a pretty good start to your app; heed my advice, and this OC will be approved in no time. :)

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