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A wild pony appears


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About Myself: Average, average... nothing to say here, except for the fact that I like Role Play, making up new OC's and using them, I also enjoy a nice conversation now and then, not even on the matter of ponies.

How I found Canterlot.com: Searched for some high quality pony RP site, hopefully made the right decision into chosing this one ^^

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: 1. Seen some ponies on teh internetz

2. Started to wonder what dat fuss is all about

3. Watched the first episode

4. And the rest of the season in one day.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Miss Rarity
I think the first part pretty much summed me up... which is kinda depressing :D

Seriously though, I don't want you to go through walls of text which wouldn't be interesting to you in any way. So, here I am, why waste time reading about me while you can get to know me yourself.

Oh, maybe some heads up is in order: other intersts are video games, anime and manga. How cliche <3

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