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H-hi everypony


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About Myself: Well im a person yay! I love MLP and my fave pony is Fluttershy!

How I found Canterlot.com: I was looking at MLP roleplay sites and I found this one.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: My best friend showed me the show and I fell in love with it!

My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy,Rainbow Dash,Pinkamina Diane Pie
H-hi everpony... Im new to this site and very glad to be here. I do have a question but I won't put it in this. Well I hope I get to talk to many nice people. See ya later everypony!

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Welcome to Canterlot, Scoots! :)

Don't be shy about asking questions. The Canterlot Staff are really quick to respond to inquiries, and they don't mind doing so if you need a little help getting situated. ;)

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I won't say welcome because, well, you have recieved SOOOOO many of those already. BUT, what I will say is, enjoy yourself on here. :razz: There are TONS of things to look at and do. And, the staff are really nice and helpful. <3 I only joined yesterday and have only scratched the surface. Again, this place is AWESOME so have lots of fun. ;)

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