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About Myself: Ex-military, current pizza man. I'm an atheist in the heart of America's "Bible Belt", which makes life really, really awkward. I like guns, swords, fast cars, and martial arts, but I don't have the money or energy for any of those, so I just stay home and do computer stuff. Mostly MMOs and forum roleplay.

How I found Canterlot.com: I Googled 'MLP roleplay' and poked around until I found myself here.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I've heard a number of friends telling me about it, but initially I was reluctant to look into it. I tried once a couple years ago, but back then my eyes were too sensitive for the bright colors due to a recent laser surgery, and until recently my ears couldn't handle Pinkie's voice. However, once I got over the surgery and lost some of my hearing, I had nothing holding me back from poking into the show again. I was surprised to find that I actually liked it, and it does hold some good morals for its intended audience. 3.5 seasons later, I realized that I really liked it and wanted to make an OC, so here I am. As much as I would like to say otherwise, I do not consider myself a fan. I believe I lack the passion required for that label.

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Twilight Sparkle
Hello people! The screen name's Dairo. Or you could call me by my character's name, Somber Star. It doesn't matter to me, as neither is my real name. I have been an online roleplayer for several years now, and a MLP:FIM viewer for a whole 2.5 weeks! Due to my propensity for marathoning shows that have caught my interest, I have watched every episode from the first to the latest. Even... that movie.

Anyway, I am pleased to be a member of a new community, and I hope that y'all are as friendly as the world we are here to play in. I will try my best to be so as well.

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Welcome to Canterlot, Dairo. :)

I'm a relative newcomer to Canterlot, as well, and my impression over my first two months is that everyone is, indeed, as friendly as the setting we roleplay within. I can also tell from your in-depth and well written introduction that you'll fit in nicely in the community.

If you have any questions about anything on the site, don't hesitate to ask. The staff here are just as friendly as the residents, and they don't mind answering any inquiries you might have. ;)

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Thanks guys. Now all I need is mod approval for my RP character (or at least information from the mods regarding what I need to change), and I should be set to go!

In the meantime, I have a background story cooking up in FiMFiction that will be centered around pre- and immediately post-NMM Celestia and Luna which will, eventually, explain why he's almost half as old as they are while not appearing significantly into middle-aged. Of course, the interesting thing about writing an origin story about a non-central character is that I can start it wherever I want in relation to his life, so I decided to go with the time when his mother was a filly. I actually ended up posting it there when I came to terms with the notion that people might not accept my headcanon about the actual events (and I don't know what the canon storyline for them is for this forum) surrounding the separation between the two (I refuse to believe it's just petty jealousy, as Luna once held Loyalty, but at the same time I don't want to villainize Celestia either). However, I hope you will all find it an interesting read for the interim until I get RP approval. It can be found under the title Fly Me to the Moon. I plan to introduce the character I'll be playing at or about Chapter 10. I just started what is technically Chapter 3, so as you can imagine, it's going to be a while.

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