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Soothing Silverhorn [Ready]


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This is my first ever pony OC, I hope it's good enough. I've been wanting to do some MLP roleplay for quite awhile and used this guy on another forum. He may not be the most original OC ever, but irregardless, I'm just happy to have an opportunity to make one.

Roleplay Type: WoE

Name: Soothing Silverhorn

Sex: Male

Age: Young Stallion

Species: Unicorn

Eye color: Violet

Coat: He has a sort of grey coat that had a quality fitting of a unicorn stallion. Not actually luxurious feeling or long, but was soft to the touch. There aren't any scars or birthmarks, he was pretty plain. For clothes, his favorite color tends to go with most things that are purple. He wore a purple vest with thin, vertical white stripes...to compliment it he wore a purple bow tie around his neck. And on his front left hoof he had a regular watch, and on his back hooves he wore purple cuffs...just to do something with them. He also wore white, square-frame glasses.

Mane/Tail: He usually keeps his mane and tail stylized and short so they wouldn't bother him much. The coloration is that of mainly light purple, with some white mixed into it. He mostly a purple fedora-like hat with a black strap and tie on it, this usually covers up most of his mane that isn't cut, the stallion preferring to having it oiled back. There are a few spikes to his mane, but it wouldn't be seen while he has his hat on.

Physique: Soothing isn't the tallest or buffest stallion around, he'll let Tenderhoof and Bulk Biceps take those titles. But this isn't to say he was short or scrawny either. He was more average in this department. He had done some work-outs in the past, and keep a light routine just to stay in shape, offering some muscular physique, though he was mostly just toned and built like you're average unicorn stallion. He was also below average in terms of height, but don't tell him that.

Residence: None currently, he is a traveling pony...exploring the wide world of Equestria.

Occupation: Poet and a novelist, though he also an accomplished singer and violin player, as well as likes to act and dance.

Cutie Mark: A pristine ink-pot with a silver quill dipped in it. He had gotten this beauty when he was just a little foal. While growing up, he was a bit of a shy and lonely kid, not making too many friends and being a bit of introvert. Sure, later on he got to actually being social on his own, but for awhile books were his only friends. One day, after violin practice, he had decided to dabble into something else. He enjoyed reading so much, but what about writing?

Soothing had never really done anything to help him express himself much. Sure there was violin class as well as dance class, but those were just things to do, he didn't think much about it. But when he finally realized how much joy reading gave him from the boring routines, he decided to dabble a bit into writing.

Using what little magic he did have, he managed to write his first ever poem. His eyes sparkled and beamed with bliss and wonder as he just let words flow right through his quill! He had no idea he had such a thing locked inside of them that he never let out. He just kept writing, and writing, and writing some more! Images were visually appearing in his mind, becoming practically tangible to his senses.

Eventually he figured that it was too much for him and he had passed out from the excitement of this discovery. When he woke up, it was the next day in his room, his mind boggled as to what had happened. He had gotten out of bed and looked in the mirror that he had always kept close to his bed. And right there, on his usually blank flank, was his cutie mark...the ink-pot and quill. And before he could even wonder how it had appeared, he looked to the nightstand and saw the poem/short story right there looking at him.

History: Minus the cutie mark story, there wasn't much too exciting for Soothing Silverhorn.

His father is an Earth Pony born in Manehattan. Decard Duskhoof was his name, and he had joined the police department within the large city. However, he retired from the force and became a judge, moving to Canterlot for a quieter lifestyle. His mother, on the other hand is a unicorn by the name of Jewel Silverhorn. She was born in the high society of Canterlot and was an accomplished artist.

The two met at a party, one of the Gallas that was being held. Jewel had attended every Galla, but Decard was invited by a friend and only went because of the invitation. They saw each other when they went outside for air, and well, you can guess what had happened next.

Life was as good for Soothing as it could get, for a unicorn colt living in Canterlot's high society. Most of his days were spent in tutelage, and accompanying his parents to meets with other families so the foals could play together and be social. His classes ranged from general education; reading and writing, finances, history, etiquette, fashion, and so on. And there were a few special classes; violin, dance, magic, and even other classes within the fine arts.

Though, Soothing didn't do much as a foal. He didn't see his parents much, his mom always busy with commissions and his dad always working in the legal system. He was raised more by his teachers, though he and his parents did do things together on occasion and those were pretty fun when they happened. And at first, he never really took any of his lessons to heart or even socialized much with the other kids.

But after he got his cutie mark, oh hay, things turned a one-eighty for him. Though it still took him time to want to be social, he started to improve himself in classes. He became more focused and actually enjoyed his violin classes, he tried to compare his artwork to his mother's...trying to get to her level. Hay, he even became more determined in dance, and even requested to do acting and singing in his later years. If there was anything that involved artistic creativity, he wanted to do it. And it was this effort to broaden horizons, that he got swept up and began talking to other foals, even showing them his entertainment value.

When he reached his teenage years, he had become quite skilled in his classes and talents. Though, he wanted to do a bit more. He had always kept that first ever paper he ever wrote and he had an idea. He would be a novelist, get his books published, and try to be a household name. Not really famous, but at least the talk of some ponies who liked to collect books.

Though, like most novelists, his first attempt wasn't successful. Nor was his second...or third...or fourth. He had almost went into a depressive state, none of his book were accepted for publishing. And the one or two that did, they weren't well received by critics or the reading public. He was close to giving up on trying to get official work done and just stay with local entertainment, maybe get a music or acting career going. But then...he saw that first ever written page again...

Feeling inspired, he went back to the grindstone. Instead of a novel, he gave his publishers a collection of poems, some of his old ones with more recent ones. He had called it "The Silver Lining Collection" and it became like candy to his publishers. It went out into the market and was very well received by many a critics, and sold tons of copies.

Having butterflies in his stomach (don't tell Fluttershy) he wanted to immediately follow up on this success. He had went to the library to look for any topics that could generate a novel idea, and not just any novel idea...one that would be very, very successful! And then, he found it...a history tome that dated back to before the discovery of Equestria. The culture and mythos of ancient Griffon and Pegasus empires. And thus sparked his new novel trilogy "The Journey of Flying Souls". It became even more successful than his poetry collection! Many critics thought the overall theme of the trilogy was a cliche, but it was done masterfully and was well executed. And they enjoyed how closely accurate it was to both Griffon and Pegasus mythology, though the story itself was different and was obviously in the fantasy genre. It was all about the warring empires being forced to join together during a crisis that threatened both of them. Again, it was cliche, but it was the execution that they liked.

Seeing how successful he had gotten from inspiration, Soothing had noticed something about his life. All he had known was the Canterlot high society, his parents that try to spend time with him but could hardly do it, his tutors, his few friends that were busy with their own thing, and the large empty house that his family lived in. There had to be...more than that, right? Looking out a window, he had decided what he would do.

It didn't take long; he bought enchanted saddlebags that he could put a number of anything in and still be light, packed clothes and some paper, quills, and ink-pots, and his own violin and bow with a case. He also put in some snacks, spare glasses, first aid, and other necessary supplies for travel. The Unicorn then surprised his parents with his decision, and they supported it. After that, he left to go see the wide world of Equestria on hoof, looking around for anything to inspire the artist inside of him.

On his first day on the road, he had came upon an unexpected sight. A little female, white mockingbird. She had a broken wing and, well...it broke his heart seeing her like that. He had stopped there and nursed her back to health, not moving until she was able to fly again. It took awhile, but eventually he had gained her trust...and then her friendship. Despite his efforts, the bird didn't make a full recovery...she could hover and fly, but she wasn't as effective as she use to be. So, they ended up traveling together, and they became quite the duo.

He had named her Summer, after the time of year he had found her, and it was the only thing she would respond to. Their favorite pass time was singing together. They became like an unofficial band with how often they harmonize with each other just to pass the time.

Character Summary: Despite his background, Soothing is a rather simple stallion. All he cares about in life is anything artistic. He spends most of his time singing, playing violin, doodling, and writing about things that he sees in a "Sight-Seeing Journal" or writing creative verses that randomly come into mind. When he meets random ponies in his travels, he befriends them and give them a show with his acting, dancing, and music.

He's a usually level-headed stallion. He tries to not let things get to him and keep an air of friendliness about him, also making good use of his etiquette classes by having very good mannerisms. However, contrary to his efforts, he is very excitable when something pops up. He is a modest pony, more modest than he should be...blushing and shrugging off them with a chuckle. Criticisms are a different story...if you try to criticize him, prepare to write an essay on your viewpoints.

The only thing that really throws him off, is direct competition. Sure, it's fine when he pits his works against faceless competitors, and when other ponies want to play along with him...but the moment someone directly challenges his work with their own in a form of a competition, he becomes very insecure about himself. It's a problem.

There isn't much else to talk about Soothing. He just tries to be a likable stallion, working to stay off ponies' bad sides. He doesn't know where he travels will take him, but he is willing to face whatever is thrown at him just for the experience alone. He does know a bit of the ins and outs of most of the big names in Equestria, though he is a bit behind on current news. At the end of the day, he's just a stallion that wants to entertain ponies, make new friends, see new places, let his creativity express who he is, and just have a good time while doing it.


I had pictures for both Soothing and Summer, but apparently they are links to websites that the admin doesn't allow links to, even though they were just straight pics. Oh well, hopefully I described well enough.

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Please format your application properly before one of the staff members look at it, the bold makes it hard to read :)

Also Canterlot Chronicles has it's own separate form to fill, so you cannot apply one application to all three, this has to be for either World of Equestria, or Canterlot Chronicles, Free for All doesn't really require a form as you can dive right in there!

However from what I read, due to the mention of death, mention of depression ect I suggest that you apply for Canterlot Chronicles as we allow this sort of stuff there, while in World of Equestria we try to stay closer to the flavor of the show!

If your heart is set on Woe After you fix the format I'll be happy to help guide you and get your application approved :)

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Well, the bolding was my bad, but I didn't know mention of death/depression was a big deal. Considering that there has been applied deaths, and plenty instances of depression (among other things) in the show, I didn't think much about it. I didn't see anything anywhere that said such topics were something to be avoided. However, I can understand the concern and will spruce things up.

EDIT: Alright, I think the heavy stuff was just with the quick explanation of his parents. So, I just summed them up in a couple of sentences and just went on to focus entirely on Soothing. Hopefully that makes it a bit better.

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