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Hi there, everypony!


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About Myself: I'm a big manly dude, love my whiskey/bourbon/scotch and cigars. I'm an avid gamer and a huge art nerd.

How I found Canterlot.com: yahoo answers

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I resisted MLP for a long time, but finally let my wife play it for me while I worked and now I'm a fan.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy
I'm not sure what else to say... hmmmm. I'm pretty easy going, I have a deep radio voice (if anyone is looking for VO, lol) and I'm dang good at what I do (game design/art). My wife is also huge into the show and I'm sure she'll show up here soon too!

If anyone can explain the RP element of this site, I'd be much obliged :)

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Welcome to Canterlot! :D

There are multiple RPs to choose from. Free-for-All, Canterlot Chronicles, and World of Equestria.

Free-for-all is, well, a free for all. You don't need to get an app accepted like the other two, and just about anything goes there, except for the obvious restrictions listed on the link.

Canterlot Chronicles requires an app, and stays mostly accurate to the show while still branching out a little with more mature and darker elements that aren't allowed in World of Equestria. There are also more species allowed for CC like Bat Ponies, Dragons, Changlings and more. There's a list in the link.

Word of Equestria also requires an app, and has the highest standards. It stays accurate to the show all the way down to the overall essence. Characters with dark pasts or an overall angst about them aren't allowed here. It's the most difficult one to get into as the characters must conform to the standards and 'feel' of the show.

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Welcome to Canterlot.com!

Nice to see a happy married couple sharing the joy of MLP together! YOU ROCK!!!

Hope you enjoy your stay!


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Thanks for the warm welcome :) to Starswirlthebearded, single malts have their place, and that generally refers to Scotch, but a good blend is also a work of art. Compass Box makes some really good blends like Oak Cross, and when it comes to bourbons and grains, it's more about the ingredients, technique and barreling. Are you a whiskey fan too?? :) I always love to meet a new appreciator of the glorious amber elixir, lol.

If I wanted to RP, should I draw my OC first and full out my profile details for him? Does that sort of thing develop over time?

I gotta say I really love the energy here! I'm so surrounded with the negative usually it's really nice to have a place where I can find a really good positive vibe :)

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Glad you're feelin' the vibe here! It's generally a very positive place to be!

As far as getting an OC ready:

If you're going for Canterlot Chronicles or World of Equestria (linked in CaptainMcDerp's) post, read through the applications as they apply to both areas (also linked in McDerp's post;)). They are different so make sure you fill out the form for the RP type you want.

You can let it develop over time. I chose to make getting my first OC approved for RP use here one of my first steps. That's really up to you and when you want to start RPing. Be aware it can take time to get approved, especially on your first run through. RP helpers will help you get your app ready and approved.

If you don't want to go this route you can always develop an OC for immediate use in the Free For All section. (linked by McDerp)

So yeah, timing wise, it's up to you! :) Start brainstorming an OC when you want to and see what happens! Have fun!

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Thanks for the warm welcome :) to Starswirlthebearded, single malts have their place, and that generally refers to Scotch, but a good blend is also a work of art. Compass Box makes some really good blends like Oak Cross, and when it comes to bourbons and grains, it's more about the ingredients, technique and barreling. Are you a whiskey fan too?? :) I always love to meet a new appreciator of the glorious amber elixir, lol.

If I wanted to RP, should I draw my OC first and full out my profile details for him? Does that sort of thing develop over time?

I gotta say I really love the energy here! I'm so surrounded with the negative usually it's really nice to have a place where I can find a really good positive vibe :)

Me and whiskey drinks go way back. We have quite a lovely relationship. I just wish they'd be kinder on the wallet. :razz:

Single malt can refer to all whiskey. It refers to single distillery from mash that is from a malted grain.

In the first place, scotch is just whiskey that originated in Scotland according to their standards. In the UK I've been told that they don't even use the word scotch because it is redundant. It's just whiskey (typically single malt) (and I could be entirely wrong about the usage of the word scotch in the UK).

Blended I'm rather particular about. I've not yet tried Compass Box though so I might need to give that a go. So far the only blended that I enjoyed were Johnny Walker Blue and Gold. I've tried a few others but none struck me as well as single malt at a lower price.

And bourbon I like because you can get a decent bottle of pretty decent quality for less than a single malt. :)

And in terms of OCs (as a Senior Roleplay Helper (SRPH)) with World of Equestria and Canterlot Chronicles, needs an application form for your character which will be reviewed by the Roleplay helper (RPH) team. As for development, we do not expect characters to ever remain static, what fun would that be? However updating your application is entirely up to you if you feel the development is large enough for that to happen. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask any of the RPH or SRPH.

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