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Hai, Aqua Dash Need Filly friends!


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About Myself: Hi, I am Aqua Dash, Daughter of Rainbow Dash and sister of Half Second and Filly Quick.

How I found Canterlot.com: It was an ad on a website

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Well, One day I went on youtube and I started getting real intrested in My little pony after I watched Buttons Adventures and Let's go and meet the bronies.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Rainbow Dash,Pinkamina Diane Pie
Hi, I am Aqualla Josie Dash, But you can call me Aqua Dash. I already have some friends, My sisters, Filly Quick and Half second. I also have a friend, I have a crush on him. His name is Button Mash! His full name I think is Button Switcher Mash. But, I don't care much about that. I don't have my cutie mark yet, But, It will come soon. My favorite food is my mom's famous Ketchup Patties, And my favorite drink is Energy Juice, For flying of course. Now if you would be so kind as to be my friend...

Aqua Dash, Are you begging for friends again? You're to awesome to do that!

Sorry mom...

Hey sis, Look! We've got our cutie marks!

Those are just pictures of Mom's cutie mark on you're side...



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