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Hi, everypony! <3

My name is Melody and I'm from Australia. I am a fan of MLP:FiM (but you knew that!) and Equestria Girls, too. I've been told I'm most like Fluttershy, as I'm anxious most of the time, shy around new people, sensitive, and get afraid easily. But I love my friends & family and would do anything for them, and I am a very loyal friend.

My favourite ponies are:

1. Fluttershy :oops:

2. Rarity ;)

3. Pinkie Pie :-o

4. Twilight Sparkle :)

5. Rainbow Dash :lol:

6. Applejack :/

I'm not so sure what else to say, but I hope that I wrote what I was meant to! I'm new to these sorts of things so just let me know if I'm doing anything wrong.

<3 Mel

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Welcome to Canterlot.com!

Love your enthusiam! I too enjoyed EQG and I'm actually looking forward to the next one!

Hope you enjoy your stay!

:D :D :D

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Thank you all so much! :smirk: You're all lovely for being so nice!

Well if you are like fluttershy then... BOOOO!

Sadly this works best in person...

Welcome to the forums!

Hahaha, thank you! I'm sure it does ;)

Welcome to Canterlot.com!

Love your enthusiam! I too enjoyed EQG and I'm actually looking forward to the next one!

Me, too! I just hope it's not a letdown. :)

Hi there, welcome to Canterlot! :fhappy:

Thank you! I love your icon, it's gorgeous! <3

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