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About Myself: I like music like most people, I play Bass and Piano. I live on Earth. I hate overly friendly people almost as I hate Royalty (Most of my Ocs will respond negatively towards Royals) .

How I found Canterlot.com: Simple Google search

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: My friend told me of it in 7th grade so I watched it and while I found it cute, It was to peaceful and to much singing for me.

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy
I'm a new person and while I hope I like this site. If I don't like this site I'll just find a new one.

All my characters have sad back stories that involve being tortured, Slavery, abused and other things. All four of my characters are in a ground called Birdcage which is a Bounty Hunter group that also eliminates corruption in any form. I will mix Star Wars into my RP in someway or form. My Rp characters are Sliren (Cyborg Pegasus), Kilrez Dilfer (Dragon), Viktor Trez (Cyborg Changeling), and Jilz Dur'l (Griffin)

If any from of negativity is sent they might respond violently (Especially Kilrez)

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About 9 days late and I'm sure you're knees deep into this site already, but ah well.

Welcome, welcome. Hope you enjoy your stay here in Canterlot. We're all here to make sure that the others are having a great time, so don't fear to jump into the mix!

If you ever need someone to bounce ideas off of as far as rps, I'm your stallion. Just PM me and I'll help make the ideal work.

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