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Chaos reporting in, is anybody there?


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About Myself: A crazed Discord fan with mild anxiety and intense writers' block, 24/7 :3

How I found Canterlot.com: Gallery link to a known artist.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Once upon a time, I staffed some Sonic forums, in which got spammed by obnoxious MLP fans. After ignoring their bad representation of the fanbase, I watched the show for myself. Saw John De Lancie do amazing things on screen, got hooked.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Rainbow Dash
To be honest, everything I wanted to say, I posted in my profile's About Me </3 But to sum it up, I hail from MLP Forums, am known as a fairly decent writer, a former roleplayer, a regular artwork commissioner, among a few other things. I've seen and heard of this place before, but tonight got lead to it, upon getting linked here from a post on Derpibooru that featured one of brian blackberry's works. Followed the link to his presence on this site, and was ultimately saddened greatly to find that he isn't on DeviantART, where I also spend much of my time. Ah well </3

So yes, hello :3 You could say I'm in the midst of some nightly forum hopping, trying out the water in a few different places, seeing as I've been dedicating myself and much of my pony-dedicated time to a single forum for two years, now.

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Welcome to Canterlot.com!

Hope you can get over your writer's block very soon!

Hope you enjoy your stay!


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