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A simple hellow


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About Myself:

I am known as jreidsma pretty much anywhere else that I am a member, youtube, other mlp sites, my own website, minecraft, steam, anywhere really. Hobbies include raising and keeping snakes, tarantulas, exotic plants. Fishkeeping, freshwater brackish and saltwater. Computers, vintage mainly. I just recently bought a powermac g4 and love it .

How I found Canterlot.com: Google :P

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Became friends with a few fans, then I became a fan.

My favourite main cast pony/s: all of them :P

I have always been open to stuff, and find MLP ponies adorable :kissy:

Now I am obsessed with MLP and almost everything to do with it. :mad:

(and now I notice that I somehow got a W on the end of hello :-o and somehow me editing the post has removed the introduction info.... I put it back in the post part of the thread.)

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A simple 'hellow' back at ya!! I hope you enjoy our community! If you need any help getting started feel free to drop me a PM :D I'm not staff here but I like to help people feel welcome and get started here! :)

That animal keeping stuff is awesome BTW. I bet there's some pretty great brackish water fish out there

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Hello there and welcome to Canterlot! :D I'm not a moderator but if you have any questions or need help with characters feel free to drop me a PM. :)

That's an interesting pet choice you got there. I always found snakes adorable looking. Never saw a tarantula in real life though, but they're so fuzzy so that's cute, right? XP

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