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About Myself: I draw, i play video games, i love grimdark stuff and heavy gore.

How I found Canterlot.com: Through the magic of the internet.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I've been a fan since early 2011. How i became a Brony isn't important.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy,Twilight Sparkle,Pinkamina Diane Pie
Hello, my name is Evil Nightmares Hopeless Demon. I love gore, death, murder, mutilation, and anything along those lines. So yes, i'm one of "those" kind of Bronys. I've been a Brony since season 1 and i was (for a short time) a member of the MLP Forums. I am a very forlorn, cynical, and pessimistic person with the firm belief that my life has been nothing but an unavailing waste (I'm also fun at parties). However, i do try and keep my demoralized attitude toward life under control so that i don't annoy everyone around me. I also love Pinkie Pie. That's about it for the basics.

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Well I believe we have a lot in common....and have you watched smile HD on YouTube yet you will love...by the way...welcome welcome welcome to canterlot.com

Thanks for the warm welcome. And yes I saw smiles HD the day it came out (I was subscribed to the dude who made it because he also made cupcakes HD and i loved that). Gore is my forte and slaughter is my friend, Put them both together and the fun never ends.

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Hey, i'm new and stupid and i have no idea how to add a gallery or even add pictures for that matter. Or if i even can. Can someone help me out here?

You should be able to now. You need 3 posts to do it which you now have.

Also, welcome to Canterlot!

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Welcome to Canterlot.com!

You can't be too grim if you love Pinkie Pie, she's just oozing with happiness!

Hope you enjoy your stay!


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