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Spaps(re introduction)


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I was 14 when I joined here. I am now 16. over those two years I have changed. Not the same brony I was. I used to love the fandom creations but now I just nah at them. I used to love the show and watched the livestreams of episodes now i just watch episodes when im in the right mood. yeah so hello.

it seems like the chat room and feed is where anything happens here. im not big on chat rooms. hi again

Are you listening to music now or recently? what are you listening to?

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Hiya, welcome! I don't think Deaththekid meant that in an offensive way. Autism is a spectrum disorder that many people face challenges with every day. While it is a social faux pas to ask someone if they have autism, I believe it's on the same order of ignorance of asking a heavy-set woman if she's pregnant. In both cases, it's probably wise to let the person tell you if they feel comfortable enough to share that information, rather than having you ask them and being wrong.

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Welcome back to Canterlot.com!

So glad you have returned!

Hope you enjoy your stay!


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