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Which Episodes?


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About Myself: I exist.

How I found Canterlot.com: Found it.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I'm not yet, but I have to fill this in or I can't post this >:(

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy,Miss Rarity,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Pinkamina Diane Pie
I am considering joining your ranks, but before I watch an episode I want to make sure I'm not watching the worst one by chance. Can anyone give me a couple of episodes that will show me the show in a good light? I'll go into them with an open mind.

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Welcome! There are quite a few really good choices. I don't know what sort of comedy or characterization you're a fan of, so I'll just give you my top five-seven from each season.

Season 1- (In no certain order)

101/102- Friendship is Magic

104- Applebuck Season

113- Fall Weather Friends

114- Suited for Success

116- Sonic Rainboom

119- A Dog and Pony Show

120- Green Isn't Your Colour

125- Party of One

(The Pilot isn't all that great, but required)

Season 2-

201/202- The Return of Harmony

203- Lesson Zero

204- Luna Eclipsed

214- The Last Roundup

225/226- A Canterlot Wedding

Season 3-

301/302- The Crystal Empire

306- Sleepless in Ponyville

307- Wonderbolts Academy

313- Magical Mystery Cure

Season 4- Very hard to pick. Might actually be my favorite season, have a top ten. So in lieu of that, here are the episodes relating to the story arc.

401/402- Princess Twilight Sparkle

407- Bats!

408- Rarity Takes Manehattan

410- Rainbow Falls

412- Pinkie Pride

420- Leap of Faith

425/426- Twilight's Kingdom

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Hello and welcome to Canterlot.

Personally, I would go with the episode titled Swarm of the Century from season one. It's what should be a familiar plot to most people, but executed quite well. It features all the main characters too, so it's good for an introduction.

I'd also consider Lesson Zero from season 2 if you want something that specifically goes bold to set the show apart from just girl show cuteness. It might help to know the characters a little first though.

The openers and finales of each season are always some of the most interesting episodes, but I would personally hold off on starting with those as their also the least episodic, usually tying into each other, and the pilot episodes aren't necessarily the best place to start (it's not exactly indicative of what most of the show does, and a number of fans don't particularly care for it).

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