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Ragnar Dreki [Ready]


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Name: Ragnar Dreki

Gender: Male

Age: Young Stallion

Species: Pegasus

Eye Colour: Teal green

Character Colour: Dark Red

Mane/Tail/Other: Black

Physique: he is a bit small for a stallion and with for the most part a slimmer body type then some stallion except his hind legs which look much bigger and muscular then the rest of him, though not by huge amount, his wings also look not particularly strong

Residence: Usually travelling with no specific place to live, usually camps in forests, close to towns or other houses even if they aren't close to town themselves, sometimes asks to stay at some other people's place for a pay

Occupation: Trader as a job and an independent researcher of dragons as his hobby job, also helps animals as a hobby

Cutie Mark: a black dragon head

Unique Traits: Able to make and carry around special containers that can hold lava and dragon fire, has an easy time persuading and talking to dragons, has an unusual effects on dragons that makes him able to do almost anything even able to collect the treasures of even the greediest dragons though important to note he cannot stop a dragon from fighting back if he decides to attack a dragon

History: He was born to a family that lived in cloudsdale. Both of his parents were pegasi, and both of them worked as weather managers. He was given the name Ragnar Dreki after his great grandfather who was known to have beaten dragons back in defense of a few towns back in his prime. From a young age Ragnar Dreki did not enjoy any respect for his name, in fact it would be one of many reasons why at an early age he was bullied. He was bullied for many differing reasons, he wasn't strong, he was an abysmal flyer, he was awkward in conversations, his name was unusual, he was eventually the only one without a cutie mark, he had unusual interests in animals but in particular dragons and monstrous creatures, this combined with him being sensitive to judgments and insults and seeming to be never able to pull the courage in himself out to fully stand up against others as he was afraid of hurting someone else either emotionally or physically. He never told the adults about it though eventually the teacher did discover about the bullying and told his parents and the others parents about it to try deal with it, and while Ragnar Dreki's parents were supportive of him they could not be long from their jobs often, usually working overtime, leaving the little foal alone, which he didn't mind. He often entertained himself with his own imagination when he was alone.

After many years in his school he eventually snapped and tackled down one of the other pegasi, but when the fight was broken he didn't speak much when questioned why this happened. The unfortunate result was that almost nobody knew his side of the story. As his parents heard the others foal's story they had a talk with him, scolding him for being violent, and he didn't speak back. His father told him a quote that had gone down the generations, that quote being "Know your enemy as I know my son". Ragnar at first didn't understand what that meant but it was imprinted in his mind since then. The day after instead of going to school he wandered off and looked down to the earth below him and sighed, however not knowing nor expecting it he was suddenly pushed off the edge by one of the friends of the foal who he had tackled. The foal that pushed him thought Ragnar would just be okay and escape fine and simply left so he would not get caught. Ragnar's wings were however to weak to be able to stop his fall, the only thing that softened his landing being a few branches and some leaves. He went unconscious when he finally landed. When he woke up it had been over an hour, as he looked around he noticed a cave. He went inside and saw a massive dragon asleep on a pile of gold and gems. He was amazed seeing that, knowing he could live for long time with only a small portion of the treasure. He gently walked towards the sleeping dragon and its treasure, the dragon opened its eyes when he got close. Despite being so close to a dragon he was not terrified nor afraid, the dragon simply stared at him, even while Ragnar took some gems and other parts of the treasure. Ragnar left, confused by the calmness of the dragon as he left the cave he finally noticed he had gotten his cutie mark.

Ragnar never came back to cloudsdale as he traveled around Equastria. Over time he learned how to make special containers that could contain dragon fire and lava and be carried around safely, usually filling them with dragon fire or lava and sell it for various uses or even give them away sometimes. He had often given some of his wealth to people he found deserved it or organizations he found deserved it, in other words those who were good, kind or nice in some way. Often living off from treasures he took from dragons or his unique skill in creation of special containers.

Character Personality/Summary:

He often acts shy and a bit un-confident around others when in conversation, unless he knows the person is good and kind or it simply being a customer interested in what he is selling. When he is trying to sell things he tries to look confident and hide his shyness, seeing as it being important for his livelihood to sell stuff.

He is very confident around dragons, animals, monstrous or unusual creatures and those who are kind. He can be gentle, nice and kind to many but can break in matter of seconds over insults or if he thinks you are focused on simply judging him, either in an aggressive fit of rage from insults where he could try to hurt the one who insulted him or into fear, sadness and self loathing from being only judged.

Ragnar has easy time relating with others who struggle with similar problems, but can be outright terrified of those who are either assertive or seem to lack kindness, fearing once again to be judged or being punished for being different.

Ragnar often tries to see the good in others, regardless of whether they are monster like creatures, dragons, animals or ponies, but his fear to be judged can get in the way of it often for him. He ends up having problems seeing the good in some people who are not social outcast and seem to act mean for little or no reason, especially if that is directed to him or his few friends.

Ragnar will do almost anything to those who have either been kind to him or to others but has hard time helping those who are not kind to him or he has not seen been kind to others.

Ragnar adores dragons and many creatures and unique animals, often able to tell anyone anything about them, or at least anything he knows about them. However while he knows a lot of things he almost never speaks

about them, fearing being wrong and being judged badly for it or even insulted over it.

Ragnar is often very imaginative, sometimes creating huge world in his own head. An interesting result from that makes him actually like Discord's idea of having the world enveloped in chaos, or at least have a good

amount if it meant the world would be more fun. A consequence from that makes him actually question what is said about Discord and his history, though once again he is not outspoken about it and neither has he put too much time in researching it, but he is very often skeptical of what is said about Discord.

Ragnar while not necessarily thinking the future will be good, he often looks to the future with optimistic eyes and thoughts, thinking things might get worse, but only the future can get better, while the past could never be made better, as he cannot change the past.

Ragnar had also over the years of being bullied developed a bit of a martyr complex, feeling nobody else should suffer his challenges with him, that only he should go through the hardships. The only ones that can get him over his martyr complex are his friends, who he values more then his own life and all the treasures in the lands, at least the few he has.

Ragnar being physically weak has actually made him develop a bit of hatred for the glorification of physical accomplishments instead of accomplishments of ethics.

Ragnar can develop a seriously dangerous hatred for those who are mean to his friends, to the point he might try to ruin that person's life indirectly, though he would stop any such action if his friends requested so.

At the end of the day, Ragnar might have trouble making friends and showing who he is, but bestows as much of everything he cans for those he considers his friends.

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Could you please fix your app sheet so that all the text is of the same size? It's annoying for users if they have to read tiny text. Once you get this issue sorted out, more feedback will be provided. :)

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