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About Myself: I play Pokemon X, and I live in Florida. I really love birds, ESPECIALLY chickens. Chickens are my life.

How I found Canterlot.com: I was just looking for a place to RP MLP, honestly.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: It was kinda just floating around, and, eventually, I started looking in deeper, and yeah. Now 90% of my doodles are MLP-related.

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy,Rainbow Dash
I'm not sure what to put here, but if you read through to here, thank you for your time!

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Hello and welcome to canterlot. I like Pokemon as well, which is your favourite?

Hope you enjoy your stay in our grand city

Thank you so much! And, my favorite is probably Houndoom/Houndour, or Growlithe/Arcanine. Or any of the bird pokemon- especially the Pidgey series.

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Welcome to Canterlot.com!

Plenty of opportunities to RP on this website!

Hope you enjoy your stay!


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